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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. For those of you that took the over on this game.
  2. Nice throw into triple coverage Ewers.
  3. No. I’m sure thats illegal. Check again.
  4. Of course it was. Just like the early fumble on the qb sack that wasn’t. refs are putting their fingers in the scale to keep these games tight. Seems blatant at this point
  5. Flashbacks of the tech kicker on the fake at night in Austin. Brackens says hold my beer.
  6. Rudy going into the tent. Ooops.
  7. Whole post season. Teams just have to deal with it.
  8. All kidding aside. Those are the types of drives Texas needs to have. Long, sustained drives that just grind teams down.
  9. Pretty sure that's a map of my wife in Target
  10. I remember back in the 90's the big ostrich meat "is as good as beef and lean as chicken" craze. Then ranchers realized that those big, dumb birds can kill you in a heartbeat and are almost impossible to manage. Saw more than a few just turned loose by the side of the highway. Those birds are F'ing dangerous.
  11. Laughingly, yes you can get insurance on livestock. Brah, those were the sheeeeepz. Those worthless turds are born looking for a way to die.
  12. Rancher bear us has one. Big boy. Seeing his coat with a nice, rusty color that looks an awful lot like blood always makes me smile.
  13. Yeah, they can be maddening at times. G-father used to curse them daily, especially with his fences. If you get a cup of water, throw it at the fence, and if the water can get through the fence.....so can the damn goats. The good news is that if you just need them to clear land, they are cheap, hardy, and don't need a ton of care. Just a way to transport them back & forth.
  14. They do. He probably means all the leftover gristle, etc.
  15. Getting flashbacks of driving through the pass at night between Durango and Telluride. Fun times.
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