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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. If you're going to do something, dammit, do it right!
  2. OK, now we're cooking with gas. Fuck you all. Every one of you slow as fucks that needs to look around find your dam bag, pack up your shit when you've been sitting there for a while to get that done. And if you have a connecting flight, why are they not allowed to go first? And there is a door at the back of the plane for refilling all the beverages. Why the hell can't we have two entry/egress options?
  3. Pop's almost gave up the ghost on the way back from San Angelo. Two lane road, enough room to pass, so he goes around this semi and the front left tire explodes. Car is pelted with shredded tire and metal, sends him careening off the road and threw a barbed wire fence that luckily might have saved him as it wrapped around the axle and he came to a stop. A creek. A cliff. Large tree close to the road. He's cooked. Fucking hell man, those big trucks need to be given a wide berth.
  4. Isn't that directly within the purview of these state schools, to support in-state kids over all others?
  5. Nor is it f'ing safe to spend any amount of time next to or around semis. If one of those tires blows, it's an explosion. An outright explosion sending tire parts off in every direction and there's no stopping that big rig careening off to that side. That much mass changing directions that quickly is a PROBLEM....
  6. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
  7. It's about context - you can be the highest grossing film when compared to a bunch of lower budget, small films and it doesn't tell the whole story. They have a massive recapture they have to make just to break even - which it seems as if they are never going to hit.
  8. Is this serious? It only made around $40M+ against the backdrop of a $300M budget before marketing expenses.....vastly under what it was projected and/or needed to make.
  9. It got so bad that Disney outright cancelled the UK premier and the US one was very small and reporters were not allowed to view it in advance - those in social media were limited to reactions only - not real movie reviews in advance. YouTubers are just destroying it in their reviews and dunking all over it.
  10. You think this movie flopped because of the ethnicity of the lead actress?
  11. Can't speak for anyone else, but this has been a long, miserable pattern with Disney of taking established storylines and just dipping them in warmed over kitten shit when there is no need to. The Acolyte comes to mind. Everyone was so excited about it, and it was just awful. Marvels still holds the biggest modern flop as it was a budget of $270M and it made a little over $40+M on opening weekend as this one has. Then you add in premier cancellations because the studio can't trust that their lead actor will promote the project. It's not just conservatives, the original casting moved away from "little people" so as not to offend them, leading to massive backlash from the community who weren't being cast. Sums up a lot of the issues Snow white controversies
  12. This makes be pretty ragey, especially the truck-bros that think they are driving semi's - you don't have to swing wide left to make a right-hand turn, or back the other way.
  13. It's still around a 2.0 on IMDB and most of the critics are laughing at it. Just a few of the reviews: "Lazy, visually repellant" - The Independent "Exhaustingly awful" - The Guardian "Disney has trashed its reputation" - The Times "A strange, hot mess" - Huff Post "Listless" - ScreenDaily "Good enough... for TV" - Vanity Fair "Film has a major identity crisis" - BBC
  14. Not my wheelhouse, as kids are older, but man the reviews online are vicious - on pace to outflop Marvels
  15. My older ariats have stretched out to the point that I can get insoles in them and I could wear them all day. Such a difference.
  16. Welcome to the world of the swagger wagon!
  17. Following - broke off the little plastic handle to an air freshener in one of the vents, so when I crank the air it rattles around in there and drives me crazy
  18. Mule has typical mule face....what the actual fuck are we doing out here....
  19. $1 totinos for the win. I had a stack of them. Pop 'em in that little toaster oven that sat on the counter with a glass door. I used to murder those with extreme prejudice.
  20. People are tribal. News at 11. This constant "we should....we should.....we should". Maybe it's you should. You should get off social media. You should focus on spending more time with the people that matter in your life. You should control what you can control - this begins with the acknowledgement that the more time you spend on social media, just know that you are being intentionally manipulated. Again, there is a clear correlation between the polling and the spike in online use. Would someone in drag be treated differently in a small city - yeah. Would someone from a small town who dresses and talks like they are from a small town be treated differently in a big city - yeah.
  21. Too soon....
  22. Lol. No, but I've been to Coleman and Runnels county. San Saba county. Lots of twats, but also lots of just regular people. I think the rural vs urban distinction comes down to needing one another. It's more difficult to be self-sustaining in rural America. I've had many reciprocal situations over the years having fence problems, vehicle issues, cattle issues where your neighbors matter. I've helped mend neighbors fences and had them pull me out of the damn mud when I was being a dumb ass. Or let us know when a cow was stuck. You can't uber home. There is no food delivery. There are not stores on every corner. Being a good neighbor matters more
  23. All true, and I think social media has ramped that up to a 10. It's amplifying unrealistic expectations. What's the saying: "Comparison is the thief of joy" Social media says hold my beer.
  24. Because it was face to face. Spend time WITH people. Do shit WITH people. That doesn't have to end when you get a job and a house. We're social creatures, but there is nothing social and this new medium that uses the precise algorithms or getting people upset because they figured out cute puppy pictures don't drive engagement like anger does. The worst thing FB ever did was add that little red dot. A notification when someone else liked or commented on YOUR post - so we check it out, and that's the hook. This site is no different. Take that away and you'd have to search back over your posts to see what everyone thinks, but instead that little red dot sucks you in and takes you right back into the fray....it's an engagement mechanism to drive more and more responses.
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