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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. Yep. I drive a Tundra and I can make any right angle turn into a spot, head first, in 1, maybe 2 maximum turns. OR.....I keep going and find two open spots next to one anther and turn right in. Only people that need the 3-5pt turn are the 3/4 ton drivers, Raptor dorks, and the TRX twats.
  2. Simplistic answer - these are civilian people fucking with everyone else. It's too on the nose for military. Why put lights on and make them so visible to everyone else and raise the obvious subsequent questions? I'd think if they were military, at the very least they'd have IR visibility options and no lights to make them obvious targets. Were any of them in a flight path for the airports? They didn't seem all that high, but I haven't followed this much either.
  3. Nice. I need to get some of it made. I remember once I popped a big 8 near Fredericksburg. Took it to this old German processing place, was in a hurry so I just told him all jalapeno sausage. Two massive boxes later. I was giving links out to friend/family for years. Literally years.
  4. Practice dry-fire exercises for a while with supervision. Guessing .22lr pistol? Semi or revolver? Get him intimately learned on how it operates. Loading. Unloading. Checking to see if it's loaded. How to chamber a round if semi, lock his arms out, take aim, they "click". Repeat, repeat, repeat.
  5. Because reasons. It's fucked. They have so much influence because of the tens of billions in yearly ad dollars they dole out. Someone in power could cut that cord tomorrow, but every media outlet in the country would be screaming bloody murder.
  6. Isn't that the reason why anesthesiologists have some of the highest malpractice premiums in the business? The biodiversity of people is just that, and everyone seems to react a little different. Then there are the horror stories of people that otherwise are seemingly healthy just up and dying on the operating table due to adverse reactions to the anesthesia.
  7. Fentanyl in measured doses, sure. Unregulated doses cooked up in someone's basement, not so much. I know guys that did tours overseas thot got wounded and got the magic fentanyl lollipop of awesomeness.
  8. They all do - there's a revolving door between big pharma and the FDA. The same FDA who's budget - more than half comes directly from the same big pharma they supposedly have oversight over. It's fucked.
  9. They're smart and amazingly adaptive. Wonder if it's learned the routine for a homeowner to let their dogs out? If so, please come to Frisco and murder my neighbors little yappy ass wiener dogs.
  10. Amazing animals. Insanely efficient hunters. When they operate in wolf country, there are sightings of packs following lions, then running them off their kill. Never seen one in the wild. We did have one years back, as we found the carcass, semi-buried in dirt/brush as the warden indicated they are prone to do. And as mentioned, they can range hundreds of miles. Surprised all these small, high-fenced game "ranches" don't have a bigger problem with them as the animals have nowhere to go.
  11. We had one picked off by a truck near our place in Coleman. Old, old girl. Teeth were worn down, emaciated, living off the excessive road kill in the area. Our warden was telling us. Happens more than you think. You just don't see them because if you hit one, you are calling the police who come out and take the carcass.
  12. Pretty sure I'd take acute pain and inflammation over death. I kid, but what was so damning was they they knew pretty quickly how dangerous it was, but they offset this obvious moral hazard with how insanely profitable it was as well, and then were stupid enough to put that down on paper.
  13. Mine stayed recently for THREE WEEKS. My wife is a saint.....
  14. The fact that the US is one of TWO developed countries along with New Zealand that allow such aggressive pharma marketing/commercials is insane. Or why is HALF of the FDA's budget coming from the companies it is supposed to regulate?
  15. Because it's subsidized over there by charging so much more over here.
  16. Watch the doc Cocaine Cowboys and how many banks popped up in S. Florida and how deeply tied they were to the drug trade. It's wild.
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