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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. Had a pimp-ass Linen suit back in the day that I got at the mall. Apparently after a drunken stupor a wadded up linen jacket doth wrinkle too much....live and learn as a dumbass college kid.
  2. Same with Cabo. Every trip their are some drunk assholes trying to play in the water to the point that the resorts have to have guys walking the beach yelling at these idiots to stay behind the ropes
  3. It's because you are a big poon like the rest of us I remember back in 2001 pops got a wild hair up his ass to build this massive smoker at the cabin at the ranch. 55 80lb sacks of concrete. Hey boy, I need those moved. The vehicle? An all metal wheelbarrow. When I say all metal, I mean all metal. Including the fucking wheel. That as the summer when it was triple digits for a few months. No worries. Now, I'd just die. No pretense. Just death. And I would welcome it.... As for the Europeans, yeah they are clueless. And it's not just water, when it's that hot too much water and you'll founder. You need electrolytes or your body won't be able to absorb it.
  4. I also love the heat down there. Texans can take the jungle heat/humidity, especially on excursions to the ruins, etc. I remember we were at Chichén Itzá and this obviously European couple was walking in front of us. Thankfully it was the grassy expanse from where the bathrooms were to the pyramids. Dude just drops. Faceplants into the grass. Wife starts screaming, people scatter. They have to carry him back into the AC where the bathrooms are. He just fainted from the heat. Similar story in Vietnam. Touring the Cu Chi tunnels. Indian woman from London was with us. It's dense, triple-canopy jungle. I was next to her, her eyes roll back in her head, she luckily grabbed a pole and slid straight to the ground. She came to, they got her out of there, but man. Stay hydrated. Acclimate a little first before heading out people.
  5. I remember back in the day before the winches on the backs of the boats, people taking off from the beach. Saw this one blob of goo try to run, fall, and get drug across the sand and into the surf as the boat accelerated. It as a hot mess. Just enjoy the weather, have a drink, hit the buffet, and avoid anything physical your McDonalds eating, fat ass can't do. Let's start with stairs....try those first.
  6. Just started last night. Wife and kids out of town this weekend, so I will be binge watching and binge drinking.....so I probably won't remember much of it anyway....
  7. Savings the world, one order of crunchwrap supreme at a time
  8. They're cookies. You get what you pay for. You want a organic, pesticide free mango, go to Whole Foods
  9. Word of caution, around xmas when the wife and I were still dating we were at her folks house and I got a case of the bubble-guts. Her sister was still living at home so the back bathroom was a no-go. Their master was obviously off the table, so that left the hall bathroom. I did a "drive-by" under the auspices of washing my hands and sprayed some xmas spray all over the bathroom in advance. Then it was time. What I didn't know was it was cinnamon based. I do my thing. It's of course awful. Then I feel this insane burning on the twig and berries. When I say burning, it was like rubbing icy-hot on your balls. I'm freaking out, even to the point that I flopped them over the counter trying to run water over them. Tears in my eyes. It was awful. I get the "are you ok in there" comment, as I now have water on my pants and my balls are still burning. Lasted most of the afternoon before I could take a shower at home. Takeaway: spray the room, but not the bowl.....
  10. If it's the Comal, sweet sweet alcohol will warm you up as you float it's greatness
  11. Kid dropped something in the damn pool a few weeks back that I couldn't get with the net. Hopped in; water was a crisp 50+ degrees. All you polar plunge psychos.....no thanks.
  12. Now do Cheetos and Twinkies. Shit's all fucked.
  13. Little rascals hat is a nice touch
  14. That was always the given reason for a 'kill-order" on all porcupines growing up. Haven't seen one on the place in years, but back in the day that was the order of the day
  15. If he can get outside the pocket, or step up into the pocket, he can extend a great many more series with his legs that QE never seemed to have the appetite to do.
  16. Pops was in the law library being a scared little undergrad who came from a town with a graduating class of a dozen kids, didn't know anyone, and just studied to keep afloat
  17. I knew one of the girls. Eliza. Still hurts....
  18. I don't think we're anywhere near market saturation, but demand is sky-high and it seems many of these companies are playing fast and loose. What's Staccato doing now?
  19. I remember this type of foolishness back in the dot.com days - every swinging deek with a website through they could just print money, and forget that a business is still a business
  20. For sure, it's a segment of the industry growing rapidly; which to your point, you better have your shit dialed in.
  21. They can "blame" whomever they want, but at that price-point, there's not a huge client base that can afford their products. If you want to operate on that space, you'd better be dialed in. Trying to astro-turf a client basis isn't going to work when there are so many competing companies that make a very similar product.
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