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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. GG made the league. Arnold has a future at piggly wiggly stocking shelves.
  2. Let’s go TN. Over the top. Heupel looks like Shane Gillis on meth.
  3. Hahaha. Fuck OU. Their offense is a wet bag of dicks.
  4. They've hovered around 9K for a while +/-. The school is out of space. They're locked in. So they're tightening their admissions YOY to make it more prestigious/selective to get in. Business school is a MF'er to get into these days. It's ridiculous. Same with most of the engineering options
  5. By a significant amount. US News & World report has GA #47 overall. AL is #170. Texas is #32, BTW.
  6. Fayetteville HS? We did too. We have friends with a pre-set-up tailgating tent. Next time there is a home game, message me and I'll tell you where we are. It's across the main road where the food trucks are, by the little creek that cuts through the tailgating section.
  7. Get the synthetic blinker fluid. Lasts twice as long as the conventional.
  8. BabaYaga


    Had mine this morning. Baylor Frisco. Doctor had on Longhorn scrubs. Prep isn't all that bad. Found an old lego and a dozen marbles.....is that bad? *anyone have a hookup for Propanol? Asking for a friend....
  9. Driving/parking on the AR campus on game days......shoot me in the face
  10. Fuck yes.....
  11. My son is there and in the supply chain program. Agreed it's a beautiful campus and he loves it. We stayed at a VRBO on a ranch in Goshen on our last trip. It was as nice a place as we're ever stayed.
  12. LCP Little crappy pistol......;)
  13. My brother has g-fathers old pre-64 .257 Roberts in the shorter, heavier barrel. Dammit I want that gun.....still has the original x4 Weaver scope on it. .257 "Carbine", I think they called it?
  14. According to the ESPN FPI, Texas state (6.2%) had a better chance of making the CFB playoffs than aggy (5.7%) lol....
  15. My ONLY regret when I first purchased was the twist rate. Mine can't stabilize well a pill over 55gr. With I'd gone with a tighter twist rate to stabilize 60-70gr pills.
  16. Killed as many turkeys with it as I have shotguns. It's hell on varmints/pigs.
  17. Aggie QB controversy a 'brewin these days. CW is brain dead. Reed is a younger player that runs a lot....meaning there is the very real risk of injury. Upcoming game is a cupcake. Do they go back to CW after fabricating the "injury" story? Do they bail on him completely and go with a younger player? What if Reed can't play later in the season? Either will look good this weekend. If they go back to CW, after the performance Reed had vs FL, do the fans/players turn on Elko? I think they do.... We all remember when CW first came in and looked halfway decent, only to be what he is now after some aggy "coaching"? Rinse. Wash. Repeat.
  18. I have limited experience with the long distance shooting, but enough to have mad respect for what it takes to make those shots. I did some training with a friend that is on the SWAT team at a small town in Alabama. Their range only went out to 400yds - which is about twice as long as you'd need in most urban situations, but he had me dialed in pretty quickly and man, it's so much fun. We were knocking bottle caps off water bottles all afternoon.
  19. Super cool - keep us updated with lots of pics
  20. At that point. You’re lobbing rounds in to the air and walking them in on target.
  21. YES! One of my favorite places. Bartender is an ag, but he's a good guy. Last year took my son and we watched Texas mudhole OSU. Only spots were at the bar so we saddled up and I drank bloody Mary's and he had Dr Peppers. Place was like a Texas watch party. Wall to wall orange! When Sweat caught that pass the place exploded. Next time you are there try the Kylee special with steak. My picky ass kid ordered it twice in as many days. Like a chipotle steak bowl swimming in queso.
  22. 100%. "I" have killed more - not him. He shoots the .270 for that very reason. Gives him a larger margin of error. Most blinds are <100yds, so I can take neck shots all day. They all drop like a puppet with their strings cut. 22-250 is a heavy barrel Ruger. From a blind, it's surgical. I "could" take head shots, but for ethical reasons I just take an easy neck shot - mostly does and let the boy chase horns. If I'm at a friends place or moving about, I always take the .270
  23. A really bad hangover. For me. Not the team.
  24. This. I have killed more deer with my 22-250 than any other rifle/caliber
  25. This is the way....
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