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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. Yep. Mobile also doesn’t have to mean Lamar Jackson. At times Brady was “mobile” in that he knew better than most how to move around in the pocket and extend drives.
  2. Yep. This is how MI beat them as well. Grind them out. Go right at them. The receipts are there.
  3. 26-06 is such a great round. If you handload you can get “close” to the .257 weatherby. Friend has one and it’s all he shoots now. Flat and fast. Not much else you ask for.
  4. Not my dime, but yeah. Small loops are hard enough without losing more space to a braid on the lever
  5. Uhhh, if true... How much does MrBeast earn a year? $700M a year MrBeast earns a huge amount of money every year from his various business ventures — up to $700M a year, according to CNBC
  6. bump in recruiting/transfer class rankings maybe?
  7. He's a pre-madonna. I have no love for the ags, but they dodged a bullet on this headcase
  8. Very good to know
  9. 8.5? Sell them to a child.......;)
  10. That's the dirty little secret. One girl on our club team, her older sister plays at Texas State and wants to be a vet. Coach isn't having it and she might have to switch majors or switch schools. The percentages are not in the girls favor. Only 7% of all female HS athletes play in college at any level. And then less than half of them keep playing through their senior year. It's a grind for sure.
  11. It's weird, I still remember almost all of my admission essays. The topics, even the feedback.
  12. This is 100% where we are. Daughter really wants to get out of the state and we're engaged with the coaches at Carnegie Mellon and WashU. Loras College in Iowa is also really coming on strong. My point is you're not going to play pro. So use the sport to help get into schools that otherwise are highly selective.
  13. Yeah, I get it. You make the correct point that it's just aesthetics. A sleeve of rounds on the butt stock. Par for the course. It's the skeletonized stock and attachments that put people off. Again, If I was up in the mountains or needed a truck/cabin gun in that caliber. I'd have to give it a look. It's the light and red dot that in my mind make it superior to a classic version. As the old saying goes, can't hit what you can't see. Wolves messing around at night with livestock nearby, or a bear rummaging through the trash. As momma used to say, most bad things happen at night. It just goes back to using these tools are they are designed, or just looking cool.
  14. It's a "thing" now to trick out lever-actions. In some ways, I get it. If I was in bear country, bad weather, especially at night, give me the option above vs. the one out of the box. After all, it's the caliber you are needing, and a lever beats a bolt-gun in terms of capacity and speed for a 45-70 or .450 Marlin. No more wood to crack/warp, a red-dot on a rifle beats irons every time, a light for low visibility, extra rounds mounted on the gun for faster reloads - it all makes sense.....IF.....you use these add-ons for what they are designed to do, and not just have it look cool.
  15. Not the highest bar to pass, but the point still stands.
  16. Washing with vinegar & baking soda helps with smoke. Learned after many a ranch weekend.
  17. Hit us in route. Maybe we picked it up on the plane? Either way, back in the hotel room we all felt it's impact. It was a soccer showcase, so all we did was to/from the fields, then we chilled in the room. Worst part was my snoring ass keeping wife/kid up. I think I need a CPAP machine, as my mouthguard isn't cutting it anymore.
  18. Meh, ran through the house. Not a big deal. We were away at a soccer tournament in FL and the kid was able to play. Wife had a very low grade fever for a day, I had a cough but otherwise, not much to report on. Tylenol cold/sinus Ton of Vit D & C Lots of water and rest
  19. Probably a copy of what Walther does with their triggers or it's very, very close
  20. You are fucked..... That's up to you. Does she like smooth jazz and box wine?
  21. Hope he enjoyed his roller coaster ride this season
  22. Meh, I talk shit to my own kid why they half-ass things and we both know it
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