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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. At least a 1/3 of you on here were calling for Pitino who just got embarrassed by arkansas....so i think ill trust CDC....
  2. So the entire history of mens college basketball at Texas?
  3. Is Rick Majerus still alive....I can recall him being "THE NAME" when we hired Barnes. Nevermind scratch him off this list. #insert major league gif.
  4. Saban quit mid-season why not Billy.
  5. My point was that the buyout was a nonfactor, if Michigan wants to keep him they'll pay up to keep him. They aren't gonna get a coach they want bought away from them. Just like back when we hired Herman.....there wasn't a conceivable chance in hell that we were gonna money whip Harbaugh away from Michigan no matter what some idiots tried to claim on here.
  6. Well based off the geography discussions on here about how much better just about anywhere but Texas is to live.....
  7. So can Michigan. The buyout is a non issue they can pay him as much as we can.
  8. I didn't attend any bball camps but I got a recruiting letter from Pepperdine. I showed it to my coach and he thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. I always figured they sent it because I killed it on the SAT and put on the little survey thing back then that I played basketball. My always supportive father said they needed people to raise the teams GPA.
  9. I dont know, I grew up in central Texas and spent a decade in Galveston after college. Now live on the Rolling plains.....30 degrees in Galveston when it occurs is brutal....I don't get bitterly cold unless it gets under 10 degrees up here unless it rains...wet cold is miserable wherever.... I was in New Orleans when it froze about 6 or 7 years ago....that was miserable. North of the 20s is windbreaker weather without humidity.
  10. Trim your trees. I am betting yiu have too much shade for the grass to grow. There is no grass in Texas that will grow well in less than 6 hours of sunlight. Zoysia or San Augustin varieties are your best bets. Centipede grass prefers acidic soils and higher rainfall. If you don't live in East Texas forget it.
  11. Buffalo grass is great if you are in a dry enough area that i5 doesn't get out competed by KR bluestem, dallis grass, vassey grass, Bermuda, etc. In areas that get over 30 inches of rainfall it's often too slow growing. The plus is you only have to mow it about once every 6 weeks or so. It won't grow at all in areas that aren't full sun.
  12. I do that myself on my 5 acres....I leave the complaining about the cost to the Mrs. Hallelujah and pass the fertilizer!
  13. At this point the more surly is irritated or freaked out by a hire the better the results.
  14. Wisner is Hodges Mitchel. He's a serviceable back....he aint no Doak finalist.
  15. Having to use Wisner and Blu as our workhorse backs hurt more.
  16. I dont know that Joseph has any NFL aspirations, but he definitely has ties to New orleans.
  17. Carlos Locklyn---yes please...especially if he can coach our running backs to run over dlinemen like a wreckingball
  18. We're not the target demo
  19. One of Mack's classes...maybe his 1st was 100% Texas players. In other news if we end up not getting him Carlton is in the lead for the " if only the coaches had prioritized him angst in 9 months"
  20. Sure there is read progression....but it is also obvious that QBs feel more comfortable throwing to certain guys for various reasons. Read progression would actually mean more of spreading the ball around as a qb work though their reads, not statistically obvious patterns of favoritism from one QB to the other with basically the same receiving corp.
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