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Posts posted by TexasRenegade

  1. 1 hour ago, NoName said:

    my apologies here, Card and Thompson are basically shit and when you said "probably not wrong", i took it as saying he was in the same level as those dudes listed.


    when your QB room is on fire, you settle for one of the better QBs instead of shooting for the stars. come on!

    Not certain of that....I mean Rattler is the only Big 12 QB that PK did shutdown.....

  2. 27 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

    He has been a marginal take by the staff all year, in the same boat as Winfield as guys that we wouldn't loose a ton of sleep over if we lost. I am not saying he is necessarily a bad player, but if the staff feels that way about him then I question how big if an impact he will have. It is possible and highly likely that I am dead fucking wrong. I just don't see those types of guys work out too often.

    Have you missed the part where most of our players on the team are currently JAGS?  I'd take a marginal take, from where we are sitting that would be an upgrade.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    Before this season fell off a cliff Jimbo had not won meaningfully more games than Texas during his tenure.  And 2 per year are against FCS or equivalent.   I'm not trying to defend Texas football here.  It is and has been inexcusable.  I'm saying wake me up when A&M is a winning fucking program.   They absolutely had their best shot this year in a long time with a loaded D and favorable schedule and still have 3 conference losses.  

    Guess what to recruits in Texas they already are....perception.....

  4. 9 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    That is quite an exaggeration. 



    Last 10 years A&M has won 96 games we have won 69....

    Their worst record during that span was 7 and 6 and no losing seasons... we have 3 seasons that we didn't even finish .500

    They have had 2 coaches in that span.....we are on 4 and counting.....

    Their best record is 11-2 or 9-1...ours is 10-4

    They have 3 seasons with a higher winning percentage than our best season all while playing a schedule that is perceived and rated as being much more difficult than the one we play.


    and oh yeah


    They haven't lost to Kansas....we have done it twice...along with losing to Baylor, TCU, Tech, ISU, Maryland, and others in embarrassing fashion.


    Yeah I think my original description was pretty on point.....and sadly I would typically be considered a sunshine pumper on this forum...heck I was just a few short weeks ago....

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 4
  5. 3 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    Well, they have a decade of never winning anything of consequence, just like us, while simultaneously having a HC that has literally never utilized WR talent.   If you want to make that argument for a DL or OL, sure, go ahead.  If a WR prioritizes "winning", go to Bama or LSU or OU.   That's a laughable statement regarding A&M where his talent has a 100% of never being properly utilized.

    Nice job ignoring the fact of the post.  I said win. Not win conferences, not win championships, we are talking simple things here....winning games.  That matters to recruits.  They know enough to know that most college players don't win titles, but they still know Football is a hell of a lot more fun to be ranked and winnning games and actually competing for titles and heck be seen as a competent football program(A&M) vs. having the longest losing streak at your school in almost 70 years, losing to Kansas, being like the only team in football history(apparently) to lose 3 straight games we lead in the 4th quarter, blow a 21 point lead to your primary rival, get embarrassed in your only SEC game when you have been trumpeting moving to the SEC(I am pretty sure we have decided to stay in the 12 for as long as we possibly can at this point), have a coaching staff that looks about as competent as the 3 stooges, a program that is a revolving internet meme, and is on it's 3rd coach since A&M hired Jimbo.......


    Maybe he'll go to Bama or OU or some such....but in the race between A&M and Texas winning anything.... perception wise......A&M is crossing the finish line and we are still trying to figure out how to tie our shoestrings.

  6. 28 minutes ago, NoName said:

    imagine being a smart high schooler, top 10 recruit in the nation...then looking at all the things on the table and saying "yeah, A&M is the place for me even though Jimbo offenses consistently have blue chip WR under produce and not even touch the field in their first season. Oh yeah, and it emphasizes the TE and RB in the passing game over the WR"

    50 cent laughing GIF

    Imagine being a longhorn fan and expecting recruits that want to win to think Texas is in a position to do that any time in the near future......Stewart has a DECADE of A&M being the better program to go off of.......Not just this season.....

  7. 3 minutes ago, stork642 said:

    I don’t agree.  That was Strong’s 3rd season and this is Sark’s first.  For no other reason this was not as bad.  But damn Texas foot is a beating right now.  

    Kansas 1st big 12 road win in 50+ games.  1st Big 12 win in 18 games. 1st 5 game losing streak for us since  1956. We lost this game at home instead of on the road........


  8. 12 minutes ago, Tex-19 said:

    Big 12 should be weak due to amount of seniors in everyone else’s starting lineup. Better home/away schedule for us too. 

    Obv Bama is a loss but we lost to Ark anyway so that’s a wash. UTSA is like ULL, a game we should win if we havent already quit by then. 

    We just lost to Kansas....ULL would boat race us if we played again....


    Also we ain't putting 72 on Tech next year....

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tex-19 said:

    I still think we’ll do ok next year if we can land some transfers (which just got harder). 

    With that said, this staff is clearly not the answer. The offense is a few players away from being good, but the defense and overall mindset is indefensible. 

    Sark’s only chance, and it’s a slim one, is to crush the portal, replace the entire defensive staff, probably change the S&C staff, and hope for a culture change. Yikes. 

    Did you not watch the game?  We lost a shootout to fucking Kansas.....


    It took a late game TD just to take them to overtime....


    What the hell have you watched this season that makes you think we will "do ok next year"


    If maybe luck into a .500 record is your idea of "do ok"....I guess...

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