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Posts posted by TexasRenegade

  1. 3 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    You're a dumbfuck. The team snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. It was courtesy of players and coaches alike.

    Sarkisian did not adjust his offensive playcalling in the second half.

    Special teams were not coached up to take the touchback on the kickoff.

    Defense held until they broke - we saw a very similar script against TCU. Texas was lucky to win that game.

    And somehow your blind, ignorant ass says the 'coaches literally schemed their way to almost winning that game.'

    Fuck you, you're no renegade. Change your handle to TexasRetard you dumbfuck.

    Yes the mature response of some blowhard dumb ass that thinks Texas should win just because they walked out on the field.


    Here's something you might know had you ever played football.


    Play calls and schemes by the coaches can only do so much.  Yes the Texas coaches schemed us to our lead but then halftime happened.


    You know what halftime adjustments typically really are, the favored team adjusting to whatever the underdog did in the 1st half that they weren't expecting.


    It's hard as an underdog to make halftime adjustments because you already sprang the surprise.

    Yes we had a big lead....in the 1st quarter. We were down by 21 to Tech a year ago in the 4th quarter. There was a ton of football left.  We scored on big plays and off of turnovers.  Very little evidence of us physically dominating OU....


    You know why?  Because they have players who fit their scheme and have been in it for years.  They have better athletes who fit their offense and defense.


    They kicked our ass on the lines even when we were winning big.


    Scheming by the coaches is the reason this game wasn't 54-17 OU.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  2. Fuck all ya'll. The team played its ass off. The coaches coached their ass off.  It's stinks losing to OU, but the coaches literally schemed their way to almost winning that game.

    Our 2 biggest playmaker are a true freshman wide receiver and a sophomore running back.  


    We have an oline that is held together by bailing wire.


    And a new defense that is making due with I'll fitting parts from the previous regime. 


    Again it sucks to lose this one, but the team and coaches showed a hell of a lot to like.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  3. 42 minutes ago, Bevo14 said:

    You're worked up over 20 pounds? Looks like he ran a 4.49 before his junior year. He's probably a lot faster than Cook.

    Seems like a unique player in terms of how he would fit into the defense.  247 compares him to Myles Jack.

    Who is worked up?  I admitted I don't know pks defense.


    My main point I don't recall a 210 lb nickel before.  It was just an observation. 

  4. 56 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Spiller is generally thought of as RB1 in this upcoming draft.  If aggy is on their way to a string of losses, and Jimbo is going to continue to fuck around with the RB rotations, I don't see much reason for Spiller to stick around.

    Hell after the shafting that Jimbo is giving him, I hope for his sake that Calzada transfers out.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Atticus said:

    Someone googled anthony cook and just ran with some random dude's measureables instead of just checking our roster or 247. The two guys are actually built similarly, but Perkins is taller and twitchier.

    Excuse me then...6'1" 191 lbs according to Texassports as opposed to his wikipedia page which was the 1st result that came up.  So he is still 20lbs lighter than Perkins which was more my point. 


    If Perkins has the ability to do it and wants to do it fine.  Semantics aside, it just sounds wierd to have a 210 lb nickel back, but PK's defense isn't the most traditional in many ways so if that's what Perk wants and will get him to sign then do it.

  6. Their running back use makes me think Herman is a consultant......


    I really don't get why in the 4th quarter of their games Spiller is suddenly stuck on the sidelines...I get it, Achane is more of a homerun threat, but Spiller is much better at getting tough yards.  

  7. 5 hours ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Well - that - and the fact that he's never had any ability to control the bazooka attached to his shoulder.  His accuracy is shit and was shit in high school (I think he was a 50% completion guy in HS).  And he has no touch on the ball at all - everything comes in to the receiver at a thousand miles per hour.

    Despite having 'an NFL arm' he was a three star because he's a shitty QB who doesn't have any feel for the game.

    The sad thing regarding Calzada is that there are things he does well.....he just has an arrogant leprechaun calling plays that won't tailor the offense to his strengths or minimize his weaknesses.  Instead Jimbo just leaves him out there twisting in the wind trying to run an offense that he isn't equipped to.  

    I mean, if we could have a halfway functional offense(hey it was better than what they are currently rolling out in the station) with Case McCoy, Tyronne Swoopes, or Jerrod Heard while being coached by such offensive stalwarts as Shawn Watson, Jay Norvell, Joe Wickline(lol), and Tom Herman.....an offensive genius like the leprechaun should have no worries.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  8. 6 minutes ago, hookem48 said:

    If Sark was saving anything when we damn near got beat he should be fired, this is just as stupid as someone posting Gary was saving something last week while losing to SMU.

    Damn near got beat?  The game wasn't seriously in doubt since midway through the 3rd quarter.


    Short of us self distructing, the game was well in hand.


    I support going for it in 3rd and 4th and goal.  

  9. 57 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    "Neighbor, how long's it been since you've had yourself a big bowl of Wolf Brand Chili? ... Well that's too long!"

    Growing up poor with parents who tried had its culinary downsides - meatloaf, cheerios, chicken and dumplings, tons of fucking canned green beans and the like. But it had its upside as well. Hormel chili all the time, chicken fried steak/chicken, fried chicken, many stews, pot roasts, anything that could stretch for multiple meals for $4, hell fucking yes.

    I've since eaten at some of the finest restaurants in the world. It's all fucking great except for the few things I named earlier, to me. Green beans of any sort are the fucking devil. I don't care what steakhouse or french place I'm at, if they have green beans on a plate as a "seasonal vegetable", especially after I've asked about what those involve and they didn't mention them, the whole fucking plate is going back - the only time I ever send something back. Ruins the taste of the whole damned plate. 

    Yes, middle-aged man yells at cloud and such. 

    Now wait a dang minute....what in the wide wide wide world of sports is wrong with Meatloaf, Chicken and dumplings, and canned green beans?  Del Monte makes some dang good green beans...just stay away from the french cut ones and remember to add some canola oil to the pot.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:


    Had 5 manhattans at a happy hour and then my house the other night, wife wasn't pleased or hungry/cooking, so I needed something quick. The kids don't eat the Frito's that come in the chip variety packs. Hormel chili with spicy jalapeno sauce, a bag of frito's, and a pile of cheese later, bam!, my first Frito pie in a decade. Absolutely fucking delicious. Also, preemptively fuck all of the chili snobs - hormel is fine in a drunk pinch at 9:30 on a weekday.

    I ate a ton of Wolf Brand Chilli Frito pies when I baching it, so no chilli snobbery from me!

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