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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. " And we didn't tackle well. They hit the big plays. I think they only had seven plays but 212 yards. Hit one 85-yarder for a touchdown. And had three scoring drives and got up 17-0 there. Defense made one nice stop right before we had a two-minute drive on the fourth and 1 when it was right there at the thing. We gave them up.......... And then we punt and that's where I say we've got to -- defensively, even though we didn't give up a point defensively, we did a really good job in the second half, but we still gave up drives. And when we had them pinned back, second and 10, third and 10, we got them inside the 20, 25-yard line two or three time, we could have won some field position battles."
  2. So what.....Recruits, CTJ, and Golfclap are now like Texas High School coaches who get their feelings hurt when Texas goes out of state for better talent?? Seriously? You two have cried for years for Texas to be more national in it's recruiting. Sark is doing that and suddenly it's a negative? Ya'll flip flop worse than NBA players...
  3. How? That team had 2 all Americans at defensive tackles, Quentin Jammer at CB, a 1000 yard receiver, a 2000 yard RB, a 3000 yd QB, an offensive line that mauled Nebraska, a very reliable kicker......The wheels fell off the year before but it had talent that had been developed and properly coached. We have Herman's island of Misfit toys...
  4. Some of yall need to go back to the football board the hyperbole and hysteria is a bit much. Lots of teams have bad losses and still recruit fine. If for some reason you thought this was gonna be a 1 or 2 loss team....welcome to reality.
  5. The oline wasn't dominant by any means...but there were plays to be had last night. Hudson was too indecisive on pulling the trigger and even when he did, his receivers dropped the balls. Defensively I don't know how many missed tackles there were, but it seemed the majority came when the defense started getting tired which tends to happen.
  6. Sark is having to fix a decade of poor coaching and mediocre recruiting in the lines. This season will be a work in progress for Texas. The coaches weren't dropping passes, missing blocks, or stepping up into sacks or being hesitant to throw the ball. Maybe Sark will work maybe he won't, but he has less talent comparatively than Mack Brown had in 1998 and Mack got blown out by 97-38 by UCLA and K state. Texas has to rebuild 1st....
  7. Ah the bipolar nature of the recruiting board.... It's a long season and this team is a project.
  8. Just wait until A&M signs like all 6 5* dlinemen they are chasing and believe they will get............
  9. Oh great, Ketch is gonna come over here and physically threaten CTJ again.....
  10. Yeah Tigerdroppings is currently like taking a time machine to this board after maryland rd 2. There are still some people trying to say O can get it done(claiming UCLA is a top 10 team lol ) but mostly are resigned to the dumpster fire they will be.
  11. That's basically it. CTJ I believe said Tom and M were drunk on a boosters plane and had a fight or something and Michelle tried to open the door and leave in the middle of the flight. More or less.
  12. So this is their version of Tom and Michelle trying to open the door on a booster's plane at 30k feet?
  13. I would say we definitely out coached Nebraska in 96...
  14. -ULL is a good experienced team. This was a good win. -Our oline needs some work, but Flood will get them there. -Bijan is awesome....could use some work on his pass blocking like everyone else... -Very workman like win. We controlled the game. -Lots of backups worked in. -Disciplined play. Yes we had penalties, but not the stupid self destruction thing we typically did recently. -Great seeing offense able to overcome penalties and not be a definite punt. -nice to see scheming and attacking what s other team does rather than saying we are going to the same predictable things over and over.
  15. Seriously...it's a 3 score game. This forum has complained for the last decade solid about not playing backups and getting kids experience....
  16. Just want to say...while the oline penalties are annoying....it is nice that for a change a holding call isn't a guaranteed punt....
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