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Posts posted by TexasRenegade

  1. 4 hours ago, TKthunder2 said:

    USC/Oregon don’t want to expand unless it’s ND.  They see their conference for what it is. The ‘State’ schools like OSU and WSU want to expand because they know they’ll be cut out of the next rendition if they had to stand on their own merits.

    Ultimately, I think the Big Ten will take the best of the PAC and leave the rest.

    USC, UCLA, Oregon, Colorado have reportedly reach out to the Big Ten already.

    Washington and Arizona are (according to past reports) legally required to stay in the same conference as WSU and ASU. So until those laws are removed they’ll have to stay put.

    Cal and Stanford are against the super conferences, but when they have to choose between joining USC/UCLA in the Big Ten or joining Baylor, BYU, and Boise in the new Super PAC12/Big12/MWC hybrid they’ll move too.

    I think your overestimating Colorado's appeal.  I could see USC and UCLA going big 10 and Oregon due to Nike....but Colorado has become such a nonentity in college sports it's pathetic.  They literally brought nothing financially when they joined the pac.....


    Arizona isn't much better but they at least have other sports they function in and have a market they bring.  I think CSU had higher TV ratings than CU last year....


    Tree and Cal may want to go with SC and UCLA given the choice....but who knows if that option is even there.



    As for selling SC and UCLA on adding tech and okie state et al....it let's them division the conference so they can go back to playing the original pac teams without the zonas and colorado...

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 51 minutes ago, Cornfusion said:

    Says the guys who hope to ride Oklahoma's coattails into the SEC.  Do you think if it were an Oklahoma / Oklahoma State offer it would be a deal breaker to the SEC?...

    ...me neither.


    Considering that has been tried at one point previously and the SEC said no thanks.....

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, troph said:

    SEC prolly took Aggy thinking if we can make inroads into Texas with those weird fucks then Texas and OU will join eventually. Like 4D chess where they want one thing but start by acting like they want something else. Diversionary tactics. That’s all Aggie is and ever will be. Second rate shit. That’s all. Fuck em. Gig your assholes bubbas Texas is here and you’re back to fucking around with Arky for 5th best at who the fuck cares. Bhwhahahahaha. 

    Heck Jackie Sherrill said 30 years ago the SEC took Arkansas to get Texas.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Doc Reeves said:

    so just for a recap to make sure I have everything so far:


    Texas and OU look to be making the move to the sec

    Everyone says OU is let looking to the future but that UT is heartless and evil even though they are both leaving in the exact same way

    everything was done in secret thru a law firm for a few months at least, a deal could be very close

    SEC leadership totally left Mizzou and aggy out of the discussion and agreed to work on the deal with UT effectively behind aggy and mizzous back because of their Col. Sanders, mint julep country gentleman’s hand shake which supposedly gave aggy power over UT and OU entering the league

    Aggy finds out thru the board of regents meeting where the plans were revealed either thru necessity or by a leaker

    Aggy didn’t take it well, news gets to The Chronicle and we have a report that causes Texags to crash. 

    Big Xii finds out and loses their shit since the remaining 8 are essentially fucked. Some of us feel bad for OSU and KSU, but not many.

    aggy throws a huge apoplectic public tantrum where they insinuate they are going to look into to how to respond to such an outrage possibly by moving conferences, blocking in TX legislator or suing the SEC in gentleman's court for being naughty.   


    Am I missing anything?


    Sharp and the Aggie president new about it but had to keep their AD in the dark according to Finebaum.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Hurtlocker said:

    Should be noted that's just the buyout to withdraw, the GOR is still in effect if the conference exists.   So it will be more expensive than $76m.  

    According to the by laws to, the date of leaving is the first June 30th after 18 months from the moment of withdraw.   In that regard, everyone would still play in the Big 12 for two years, OU/Texas and anyone else who gives notice, just won't get paid until the buyout fee is gone, then any years remaining on the media deal would be held by the Big 12 until the GoR ended.

    That will all get settled and negotiated.  We ain't hanging around that long.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Harrison Stafford said:

    I remember Newton...I think they had an interesting running back named Anthony Byerly in the 1982 class.

    Yeah we played them on the way to state title in 81.  We contained Byerly in 1st half and then he shredded us in 2nd half.  Score was tied and we ran out the clock on the goal line to win on possessions because we weren't certain we would stop him if we left any time on the clock.


    Beat the snot out of Gilmer in the title game...also beat the snot out of Westlake that year also.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  7. 11 minutes ago, Leanderman said:

    In Sark we trust. He has more information than some phat cheeto stuffing wanna be recruiting guru. The only thing that tub of lard has ever scooped was some chips during happy hour at the Landing Strip.

    Didn't @golfclap tell you, trust the coaches is a lazy and stupid take and your a bad person and intelligent enough to see the stupidity of this take.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 45 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    Nothing can convince me that he wouldn’t currently be committed to Texas if he never committed and decommitted to texas. Even if he committed to OSU originally he would be here already. He’s basically trying not to be this..

    Angry Season 4 GIF by The Office

    I can buy that.  He certainly doesn't want to flip back and then we roll out the same garbage season we have for the past decade and him have to flip back again....

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