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Posts posted by TexasRenegade

  1. 7 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    It got leaked from Bama side, not Texas. That is the key difference. 

    Yeah and the Bama guy has been linked to floating Stoop's name before (for jobs he didn't get) and Stoops is his source on things in the past according to Bama people.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Anyone willing to believe that this was just a hoax or trial balloon is a fucking idiot. This fucking clown was hired and the money revolted, and they should have. And I don't mean, one BMD had a problem. Since last night, shit apparently went fucking nuts for CDC and Hartzell, and it should have.

    I just went through about 10 pages happily negging any idiot trying to rationalize the Stoops hire. @Hank_Hill and @closetohumping were stars of the show with their abject stupidity on the pages from 285-292/3. Just some epically bad shit. I thought watching people defend the Watson hire at the time, or the Horny hire ("oh Shaggy posters, what's the big deal with hiring a rape orchestrator anyway?"), or the Valai hire was nauseating and unbelievable, but there were actually people on this thread basically already parroting "trust Sark". No thanks. 

    This was an orchestrated hire by Sarkisian, and it is a fucking problem. We saw Strong do this with Shawn Watson. Herman hired Horny, but he wasn't trying to pull one over. He was just oblivious and wound up surprised that there was blowback but stuck with his guy anyway. I am sick and fucking tired of watching average intelligence-level men elevated to a position of power and feeling like they can do whatever the fuck they want, even with an entire fanbase in revolt, because they think they're smarter than everybody else.

    Football isn't a complicated enterprise. Tracking coaching personnel and performance isn't complicated either. There are mountains of information freely available regarding these coaches and their work history and personal lives. We don't have access to what happens inside a program's walls, but that's it for the limits. People funding this fucking enterprise and making Sarkisian, Strong, and Herman rich beyond their wildest dreams aren't morons or clueless. Almost everyone involved is smarter than any one of those three imbeciles. Fuck Sarkisian for this stupid shit and fuck any of you willing to play the clown and buy into the premise that the dude didn't have an offer. Fuck Del Conte for letting his idiot employee attempt to pull this off, especially after they both were counseled weeks ago that Stoops couldn't be a part of the fucking plan. Going through motherfucking Zooms and kissing babies all the while knowing you were going to show us with your last hire. Motherfucking shitbag.

    Tough break for @OnAComputer and his boys, as having Stoops inside the walls of Bellmont would have been a real coup for them.


    So I typically like your posts, but I do have a question....


    You literally posted on the recruiting board at the same time that all this hit the fan....yet you were radio silent until 14 minutes ago and now you know everything that went down and everyone else who spent time trying to figure out how Sark could put together the rest of the staff and then lump Mike Stoops on that the end and rationalize all this was posting...........and now you are going to come and criticize people trying to figure out what the hell was going on while you said jack squat.

    If this was happening as you present....it would have been nice to have some confirmation that it was rather then absolutely nothing from you on the matter.


    That is some Nahlin level 9.95 posting there my friend.


     Look I like your posts typically but literally there was 1 report out there reporting this was happening and everyone else who reported it was literally parroted the twit in Alabama who Bama fans claim is Mike Stoop's mouth piece.

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  3. 3 hours ago, TexasTroll said:

    Seems like the administration is pulling back on the reins of the rioters.

    Safe Inauguration Day , y’all!!!

    What is your malfunction....Seriously you made a similar post in the that has been deleted. How are you still even around. Take your garbage to CR and leave us the heck alone.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 11 hours ago, Dummy said:

    Mike at Night: 2021 and general stuff

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    — So far, the feedback I've heard from coaches on the potential staff has been really strong. I asked about Joseph in particular with a few Dallas coaches, and I was told he's got an easygoing but magnetic personality. He can fit in just about anywhere he recruits and he's got a great reputation as a coach. One person I spoke with said he asked around about Joseph and heard nothing but good things about his coaching and development ability.

    — Nick Harris spoke with a source near four-star running back LJ Johnson tonight.  As we reported earlier today, multiple sources expect Johnson to take a student visit to Texas later this week.  While the source Nick spoke with didn't have any specifics on that, he did tell us that he expects Johnson to push this decision all the way until signing day.  This source said that nothing has been decided and Texas is still very much in play.

    — I also asked some coaches I know about Pete Kwiatkowski. One source I spoke with applauded the hire and said this was the type of mood Texas needed to make rather than waiting for Saban to move on from Pete Golding. Kwiatkoski has a fantastic reputation with just about everyone in the business. One high school coach I spoke with was impressed with how well Sarkisian has done pulling this staff together on somewhat short notice.

    — The Longhorns offered Tyler Legacy defensive end Garfield Lawrence today.  As I wrote about last night, I think an offer from Texas would change things in that recruitment.  In talking to a source near Lawrence, Texas should be considered an immediate favorite.  I've entered a 247Sports Crystal Ball pick for Texas.  I also reported that an offer for Lawrence could mean Texas would go in a different direction from Mansfield Legacy defensive end David Abiara.  Texas has also re-offered Abiara meaning they are all in on finding defensive line possibilities.  My thought was that Abiara and Lawrence are a bit redundant, but the staff doesn't see things that way.

    — In monitoring any last minute offers that could go out, I've heard that Gilbert (AZ.) Highland outside linebacker Ammon Allen is a name to watch.  One of the best unsigned prospects left out west, Allen is a guy Texas has been evaluating for a while.  Though he's somewhat of a tweener between safety and linebacker and still a bit of a project, Allen's film shows great potential for him to grow into a strong linebacker prospect.


    So if LJ is going to wait until Signing day....then I guess he is no longer enrolling early?  Which obviously would be hard with classes starting this week but anyways....

  5. 36 minutes ago, B00M said:

    You call someone a buzzkill and then post this shit? Member when you bet me $100 Herman would still be coaching here right now and then you ignored me the 2 times I called you out? I member... And Got damn son, how many spaces do you need after a period? 


    • Haha 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    I wasn't on the message boards in the 90s. What did people think of Mack Brown's initial staff hires at the time?

    You have to recall when Mack got hired there was limited boards around.  I started on Billybobs Texas Page and moved on to hornfans about sometime that year after Mack was hired.

    I remember most of the response was people were happy to get competent coaching on both sides of the ball for once.  Lots of "excitement" over Reese at DC..... People may have been excited about Nunez coaching the oline I can't remember.


    I know there was some idiot Tarheel fan named watchfuleyes that showed up and started spouting off about how Mack would stab us in the back and how crooked he was....

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  7. 1 minute ago, TrashMaster G said:


    Greg Davis is back!


    I'm really curious how it compares to how he assembled his staffs at UW and USC.  Was he as methodical?  Or did, perhaps, someone whisper in his ear about how dumb it would be to hire all his friends?


    No.  And, before anybody asks, NO CAPES!




    I couldn't bring myself to ask about capes.....that was a bridge too far.

  8. 1 hour ago, Gut Wagon said:

    Smart of the pilot to enter Texas airspace at Dalhart. The more Panhandle you fly over, the better Austin looks. 

    No offense, Nicole. 

    Yeah because nothing makes the monotony of track housing and copy cat developments shine like flying over the wide open spaces of the Great Plains.

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