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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. I will completely agree with that statement though. I am not claiming I only bang 10s or she isn't hot enough for me. I just don't find her attractive.
  2. No....I don't go to strip clubs period. So guess I'm not in her demographic. Sorry I find her neither hot nor attractive. I haven't looked at her page but just going by what is posted on here. Women do what they do for a living and why would I look down on her for that? I just don't find her attractive.
  3. Probably in the minority here but.....I'm just gonna say if the ole hot wife/significant other thing about coaches ability to recruit is at all accurate........Banks must be an awesome bag man because she doesn't inspire me on his recruiting skills.....bleh
  4. the renegotiated contract also had a buyout clause.
  5. I am confused, I thought Briles interviewed the night before the Baylor Bowl game that year? That is what all my Baylor friends claimed was the reason they fell apart in the 2nd half.
  6. I am sure Ash and Stoops both think they are candidates for a job at Texas........ At this point I am halfway ready to by the Muschamp fan fiction that we are just bidding our time for something to clear and then he's the guy lol....
  7. Yeah don't make us go to the game thread with "those people".
  8. Like I said it was a simplistic take. More meant in response to the simplistic criticism of Bama D.
  9. At least Golding doesn't think it's a good idea to cover Smith with a LB....yes I know it's simplistic take but still....really.
  10. Well since Saban is hiring Obrien and whatever regarded offense he runs, he will probably push for more enforcement on those kinds of plays next year. Lord knows Obrien is calling any plays that give a lineman the chance to get down field
  11. Also, the idea that the AAS is the only paper in history who has ever expected a vote of confidence to be worth the paper it was printed on is downright hillarious.
  12. Or has been previously stated we had horrific play calling by a narcisist twit, a QB who struggles to throw to the outside or deep accurately, and a WR room that had a whole slew of issues that may or may not have been related to the coaching they received at their position, but was certainly not limited to it.
  13. How have you not been negged off yet? You are whinier then Satya and not nearly the longevity. You've never heard of Tuiasosopo? Seriously....
  14. Mack had some early coaches that left for head coaching jobs.
  15. I will say this. Things are certainly appearing to be on lovkdown leak wise. There isn't even that much outright being coming from the 9.95 crowd.....
  16. I keep searching for a burnt orange kool-aid man busting through the wall going oh yeah....but haven't found it yet.
  17. Eliminate @Tex Pete from the DC candidates. Not committed enough to recruiting.
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