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Posts posted by TexasRenegade

  1. 6 minutes ago, closetojumping said:



    I've met plenty of you fuckers from the Internet over the last 20+ years. The bullshit many of you throw out there pertaining to what you would and wouldn't hit is outright absurd. 

    I will completely agree with that statement though.


    I am not claiming I only bang 10s or she isn't hot enough for me. I just don't find her attractive.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, closetojumping said:


    Get the fuck out of here with that shit. Is she trashy? Hell, yes. Is she a woman of low moral fiber? Clearly. Is she nuttier than a shithouse rat? No doubt. She's also hot in her own way. What's not to like if you're heterosexual? Are you the dude that goes to the strip club and then looks down your nose at every woman that comes by the table? Those guys do nothing but fuck up everyone else's time and irritate their friends. 

    I've met plenty of you fuckers from the Internet over the last 20+ years. The bullshit many of you throw out there pertaining to what you would and wouldn't hit is outright absurd. 

    No....I don't go to strip clubs period. So guess I'm not in her demographic.  Sorry I find her neither hot nor attractive.  I haven't looked at her page but just going by what is posted on here.  Women do what they do for a living and why would I look down on her for that?  I just don't find her attractive.



    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. 12 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    Yeah, pretty sure Herman didn't "interview".  And in Briles case, I'm sure he didn't want to formally interview and get turned down to have it used against him in recruiting. I think there was a sense in coaching world at the time that Patterson was going to hire outside the box.  But yeah, I don't buy at all Arnett would be hired without a lengthy discussion with Sark if they don't have a prior relationship.  That's just dumb.

    I am confused, I thought Briles interviewed the night before the Baylor Bowl game that year?  That is what all my Baylor friends claimed was the reason they fell apart in the 2nd half.

  4. 2 minutes ago, NTVTXN said:

    Every bit of this.  CDC answered the question and he answered it honestly.  Was Herman still the Head Coach at Texas in ‘21?

     Yes, yes he was. Until he wasn’t. 


    Also, the idea that the AAS is the only paper in history who has ever expected a vote of confidence to be worth the paper it was printed on is downright hillarious.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. Just now, satyanash said:

    Five catches, 65 yards. I'd ask you for Joshua Moore's Okie State performance for comparison, but we both know he had only one catch all day and it was when we lined him up in the slot in overtime.

    Sugarcoat it all you want. Coleman couldn't coach the WR group to consistently beat press coverage on the outside, that's the long and short of it. Our only TD to an outside WR that game was to Brennan Eagles, and he's gone.

    Or has been previously stated we had horrific play calling by a narcisist twit, a QB who struggles to throw to the outside or deep accurately, and a WR room that had a whole slew of issues that may or may not have been related to the coaching they received at their position, but was certainly not limited to it.

  6. 11 minutes ago, HateYouAndMyself said:


    I'll flat out admit I've never never heard of him before now but the moment I see some smaller program position coach get linked to one of our HC due to 'them having history' I automatically assume he fucking blows until proven otherwise. That is what the 2010s have done to me. 

    How have you not been negged off yet?


    You are whinier then Satya and not nearly the longevity. 


    You've never heard of Tuiasosopo? Seriously....

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    The last portion is very interesting and ironic to me. I was at a buddies house last night who is neighbors with a former letterman and he said under the Herman regime fewer and fewer players if any at all were going back to train at Texas during the off season - even before the covid outbreaks.

    So basically Bobby reads Surly.

  8. 17 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    We need that burnt orange kool aid gif from The Shining's elevator scene that was used all the time on the old site.

    I used to have it but my personal computer bricked a couple weeks ago.

    I keep searching for a burnt orange kool-aid man busting through the wall going oh yeah....but haven't found it yet.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Hornlover said:

    Is it a coincidence that both Meyer and Saban have the perceived personality trait of expecting their assistants to work their asses off and demanding a single-minded devotion to winning at all times? How many coaches are successful at just letting all the assistant coaches party and have fun all the time, while winning Championships? 


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