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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. So all I want to know about Coach K....is would he have moved Corey Redding to linebacker?
  2. Does this mean we can finally name the Defense??? Been a question on UT boards sense 1998 at least....
  3. Bah just let Gideon coach ILBs....not that different then Safeties....what is the worst that could happen... *ducks*
  4. Yeah because nothing makes the monotony of track housing and copy cat developments shine like flying over the wide open spaces of the Great Plains.
  5. No. Sark didn't say he needed to keep him. Anwar is saying if he is going to keep the best athletes he needs to keep him.
  6. Before I get excited about Lanning don't we need to check what the Bama fans think of the job he did?
  7. From IT: "Imagine preaching family, but then when a player of yours is sick you call his house to not check up on him, but rather to see how his brother’s recruitment is going."
  8. Also, I may be misremembering, but I don't think that event occured this past summer. I think it was closer to when he originally came on board.
  9. https://www.google.com/search?q=surlyhorns+herman+kendra+scott&oq=surlyhorns+herman+kendra+scott&aqs=chrome..69i57.8895j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  10. No idea, but I would bet some money the "sick player" house he called to check on the brother's recruitment belonged to one Blake Brockermeyer. It would definitely piss a parent off if Luke was indeed one of the players that caught Covid this summer....
  11. She change her name lol Well with Banks being the highest paid tight end coach in the country maybe she retired.....
  12. Back when I lived in Galveston he was a regular on 610 and was pretty dang funny.
  13. If things go as planned, Gideon is going to be the young up and comer coach that works his way up the staff as others leave in the years ahead.
  14. That would definitely be an out of left field candidate for Sark.
  15. and sometimes Bill O'brien just ruins everything.
  16. No idea, it's possible. Some people get arrogant and take the "hey you want me" approach to a job interview. I have legitimately set in on an interview group where the 1st thing one candidate said was "Hey just so you know, the chick who would be my secretary if I take this position...isn't attractive enough..ya'll will have to do something about that if I come here." And I don't work in some big business law firm or marketing firm or something like that. Schmuck was interviewing for a government job.
  17. It has been reported by 9.95ers other then FCB and Jabba that he is staying.
  18. Not confirmed but rumor a week ago is the CAL guy would be either Strength or Conditioning with someone else to handle the other half of that.
  19. I have one Bama friend who I guess is fairly connected and he claims this isn't a surprise in the program. Banks was a surprise yes, but not the others. It isn't a Saban thing according to him, a lot of the Staff came to Bama to get paid and get a ring. Now that they have a ring they are ready to get paid again. Also, according to him, BOB wasn't gonna be a good fit with some of the staff that is leaving, specifically Flood as OL is what he claims. Not sure if he meant BOB wants someone else or the blocking schemes or what. Also says that anyone thinking Golden leaving is a positive is out of their mind, Bama doesn't play 2008 SEC offenses anymore.
  20. Ya'll gonna get the "opportunity" to assist with recruiting efforts at The University of Texas lol. I kid.....though part of me does have this vision of Sark doing his best impersonation of Huey Long, thanking ya'll for your kind donations in advance.
  21. He ran a pretty good defense for the offenses they played. Plus, and this is a positive considering defensive reps and such, he already knows how to handle his defense practice with Sark's offense and still keep it playing effective defense. I don't consider this a buddy hire. In all honesty, I think once Muschamp took his name out of it, Golding is as good as any of the other possibilities. I think he is an upgrade over Ash(who I think did a decent job this year) and on par or better then the other legitimate candidates that have been mentioned. Dan Quinn and Muschamp weren't happening, so I am happy with him given the alternatives.
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