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Posts posted by TexasRenegade

  1. 20 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Yeah so has ctj here. Ground breaking info there caddox

    I don't know if Caddox knows squat or not, but he was the 1st person on here to report that CDC was in over his head and had been removed from the decision process and that Hartzell and Etifle were driving the bus(this would have been on the 12th I think? You can search back through the thread). Dbeasy lost his mind about something he was told right before that, which he never expounded on, but I am guessing that was it.  About 5 days after that CTJ started using the Crystal name in regard to CDC and reporting he was in over his head.


    Again, not sure how legit he is, but if you are looking for data points in his favor, no one else was corroborating that on here.  I have no idea what 9.95ers were reporting.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    You really don’t have the credibility to be calling out anyone’s opinion or conclusions, sir. 

    Sir, it's an anonymous sports message board focusing largely on the exploits of 16-24 year old men....nobody has any credibility.....

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  3. 1 minute ago, closetohumping said:

    Id be ok with that but I suspect Urban would be jonesing for that job.

    If the reports about Notre Dame academics and lack of pay and financial support are accurate........I don't care what Urban says he aint going to ND if they aren't going to pay for him to have his support staff and coaches and to be able to keep them there.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, JesusSweatDuck said:

    Can we just all agree that Houston and Dallas suck?  They're both urban sprawl hell holes.  


    Hey Urban, Austin is the only city in TX worth living in.  

    Austin hasn't been worth "Living in" in close to 20 years.....

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  5. 4 minutes ago, troph said:

    Which one of you assholes is leaking our shit?

    That's giving Ketch too much credit. He probably heard people talking about what's discussed on this board while dipping his McDonald's value meal in bacon grease. 

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Mantis Toboggan, MD said:


    Ok, John Mackovic had no connections to Texas either before coming to Texas, outside of a short stint with the Cowboys.

    It isn’t particularly useful to use the top coach in college history as a comparison tool. The chances of falling into a guy like that are extremely low.


    It also isn't particularly useful to assume an experienced intelligent successful coach can't know how to adjust and acclimate to a new area he hasn't coached in before and maybe even build new connections....Lord knows that has never happened...

  7. 13 minutes ago, Mantis Toboggan, MD said:

    Fickell has no connection to Texas at all. Spent his entire playing and coaching career in the midwest. Not sold on him being a good option.

    Saban had no connections in the south or Texas either before leaving MSU for LSU, outside of a short stint with the Cowboys. (Credit to @closetojumping for the research in that regard)



  8. 12 minutes ago, CurlyDumps said:

    Seems odd that BJ would be coy about rumors related to the status quo. Why not just say he’s hearing Herman is coming back?

    FWIW Trey is convinced Herman is gone. 

    Yeah "mumblings" and "you'll have to wait and see" make no sense with a Herman returning hint.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    This board will go insane if Meyer is announced....for a different program.

    Not really.  Most will just go away.  There will be a dedicated circle of 6 or 7 of ya'll doing your impersonations of Satya and CTJ will be dropping breadcrumbs of how Texas blew it behind the scenes....

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:


    if I ever make it back to austin

    If your eating breakfast in Austin don't you just go to Kirby Lane?  Or have they ruined that to? (And by they I mean the foreign hordes)



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  11. 8 hours ago, RGBIII said:

    Hungover. Thermometer went out last night so ignore the holes. Just hit 203 internal, time to pull and rest for at least two hours 


    been meaning to ask btw.....do you subscribe to the "book of Franklin" and put espresso on your brisket?

    Don't know if he still does, but when he first hit it big I remember him talking about it being a big ingredient for him........Don't use it myself....but I'm not a celebrity BBQ Chef and don't have near his amount of money so...

  12. 2 minutes ago, Txslnghrns said:

    These were my go-to boots when I worked in the oilfield. Didn’t need to polish. And when they got dusty, muddied up or had to pull wash bay duties on pumps, well, you could just spray em down, keep your feet dry and they’d look as new as the day you bought em.


    Currently considering buying some Lucchese bull hides. Relatively cheap and still look good. My current job presents opportunities for scuffing and marring. Not nearly as much as the oilfield. I feel like bull hide can take the beating but I have never had any. Can anybody weigh in? TIA


    For Work boots I like their Rudy.  There's a whole slew of different designs on their website with em. They are danged comfortable to wear.


    If you want some nice dress boots-  Go into one of their actual showrooms and get measured for some of their Classic line.  They are pricey but not ML Leddy money.


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  13. Just now, BabaYaga said:

    Oh, I know - but many of those historic ranches make it a point to follow "the old ways".  For the smaller hobby ranches/farms, you just need to get in and get out and a brand you can plug in to your truck and instantly heats up evenly is perfect.  Use a squeeze shoot.  No ropes.  No large fire that has to burn down into coals.  No multiple brands in and out of the fire, checking for the proper temp and consistently.  Just easier.  

    Most of the smaller Cow Calf operations around here don't even brand. It has to be a bigger spread for most of em to mess with branding.


    When I worked more to the east side of the state most of the operations there didn't even cut their calves.  The price difference at the auction barn wasn't worth the trouble.  Seen some data of late that bears that out.  East end of the state until about I45 or so, cutting calves isn't nearly as common.  West of I35 your losing money if you don't.  Between there it just varies.

  14. 1 minute ago, Kennythetiger said:

    Lots of buyers prefer their calves to be knife-cut.  I absolutely hate banding (not branding), and only do it to the few bull calves that are born after the spring round-up and we go to grass.  

    Oh in full agreement. Just telling you what the science claims.

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  15. 5 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Meh, I get the intent, but come on guys - electric brands just work better, are faster, and are more consistent for the animals.  


    They could also be using a rubber band instead of actually cutting the calves.  Or using a branding table....I keep getting told they are more efficient and better but I don't see it.

    The 6666's covers 225 square miles, if they wanted to electric brand I am certain they could. I imagine it's just simpler for them to fire brand.  I am certainly not going to suggest to Tom, Boots, or Wes that they do it differently.

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  16. 7 minutes ago, Caddox said:

    Just talked to a good college buddy who has also heard we are in a holding pattern with UM. Dont know who hes talking to, theres a chance its the same people as me. Here's where I see points of interest:

    NSD1- Today

    Bowl Game-

    End of Ohio State's season-

    *** where I expect us to be Urbaning ***


    Well if you are going to insist on Urban discussion....Do you think if OSU somehow loses Saturday or doesn't get picked for the playoff....would that speed the timeline up any or still wait for their season to end?

  17. I guess we could always ask these guys about western fashion. about 150 years or so of working cowboy right there....and yes, under their chaps all 3 have boots that go up to their knees.


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