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Posts posted by TexasRenegade

  1. Well based of rumor, innuendo, and hotel curtain analysis by the surly csi team cross referenced against data points by the flightaware analytics dept CDCs had this thing the bag for 2 months.


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  2. 5 hours ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    What's up 45-55 yr old!  We run this shit!  We have seen it all.  I probably met you at a tailgate in the mid to late 90s.  Why leave off Longhornfanzone?  Did Bob rip you off on the bus? 😂

    No billybobs texas longhorn page?  Or Andy Liscano recruiting page?

  3. 5 minutes ago, TexasEd said:

    lol.. when whalecunt got close to the Browns she did not tolerate any criticism of butterteeth.

    Ah that must have been later on after I had lost interest in all the new people.  I definitely wasn't active by the time you degenerates started shaggy.

  4. 5 minutes ago, alphahorn said:

    I got kicked off that site in like the first month

    Hornfans banned people?....Hmm back in 1998 it was a pretty small community and I think pretty much knew everyone to some degree.   I wasn't aware of a banhammer.

  5. 1 minute ago, Caddox said:

    I’m traveling so I stepped away. What’s causing the melt. I feel just as good now as I did last night. 

    some OSU goober posted a crying michael jordan bevo saying final answer that the idiots at IT said was a rock solid source but apparently now it is being presented as his opinion not Urbans answer.

  6. 1 minute ago, ztejas said:

    Jesus dude. Do you need me to send you a better monitor? I have a couple sitting around - one of which I wouldn't bother trying to sell.

    Dude viewsonics are all the rage with the hipster vintage crowd.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Duane Moore said:

    This is my question as well. Where do you even put these new practice fields he wants in downtown Austin? Commandeer the IM fields?


    Lot 38

    Lot 39

    Lot 70

    Recreational sports complex

    Lacrosse field

    Soccer stadium....


    I kid on the soccer stadium....mostly.....

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    Bottom of the barrel? Y'all ever visited Vernon or Electra?

    Electra has like 2700 people. It's and ugly patch of the highway, but it doesn't rate consideration.


    Vernon is fine. It's an isolated small north Texas town.  There isn't anything distinctly bad about it.  It's got a killer steakhouse...and speaking of burger joints---Bevo's is pretty dang good in Vernon Texas.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    If this is the line of thought, wouldn't it be better to just go get Cristobal? He can do all of that plus identify and develop OL without the alcoholism concerns. 

    Yeah, even if he's been sober for a while now, I don't trust him to stay that way once the pressure of being the Texas HC hits.  What he does right now with all the talent in the world and Saban shielding him from outside pressures doesn't seem very relevant to how he'd be at Texas.

    If we go this way...................


    I would say we do what we did in 1956 when we were turned down by our early candidates and ended up with Royal....Ask Urban who he would hire.  It got us Royal closing in on 64 years to the day......

  10. 1 minute ago, hookem48 said:

    strong north wind in Galveston in August or September? Is this wind coming off a thunderstorm or something?

    No, when I lived down there, we could count on at least one strong blow to come out of the north in late august or September every year and make the water all clear and pretty before it got cold.


    Of course if a Hurricane was coming in just east of us all of a sudden the water got clear, the bay emptied completely, then flooded, then you were picking up shells on the beach like you were in the Carribean.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Bodacious Bevo said:

    ketch coming in hot with some new info 

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    I wanted to pass along a couple of notes this morning, while we all stalk (stock!) flights from Columbus to East Texas to Austin and beyond.

    * I spoke with a source on the Ohio State side of things late last night (and will continue those conversations today). This source claims that in talking to people with knowledge of Urban Meyer's family that they personally do not want to see him get back into coaching.

    "I am pretty confident in the family wanting him out of that role and being a grandfather, father, husband and not in constant head pain," the source told me via DM.

    * There's a general sense in Columbus that Meyer is quite happy in his current role and enjoys not having to deal with the constant stress of coaching.

    * That being said, this Ohio State contact believes that the decision ultimately will come down to what Urban desires.

    "It's his choice, obviously," the source said. "Meyer is a wildcard and nobody can be sure."


    I'm supposed to check in with this source again a little later, but I wanted to pass along this Intel, while also stressing that this particular source is someone that hasn't been paying minute by minute attention to everything that has been going on. It's just his vibe as someone that has been around Meyer for about a decade and had checked in with his sources as recent as yesterday.

    This is just one view of this situation from Columbus-tinted glasses.I figured I would pass it along before we all get distracted by whatever comes next.

    Don't read this as a negative report as much as it properly sets the backdrop of the decision that Meyer is trying to make and the emotions/feelings involved in getting there.


    As usual a whole heaping helping of jack squat.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, maninblack said:

    I'd like to see Sam one last time. 

    Well if UM comes........you might get to see really good Sam all next season.


    I think it is entirely possible he could come back if he is excited about an Urban hire and Urban wants him.

  13. 4 minutes ago, wood said:

    Beach talk not going away. The water in SPI is almost always clear. It's the brown sand that makes the difference in how the water looks. Now Galveston, etc, yeah that water is brown. I was born in Florida, specifically shithole Pensacola. While I do love many of the beaches there, esp for the fine white sand, SPI is still awesome. FL beaches are generally awesome, but as others have said, the biggest drawback in FL is that it's generally full of SECSECSEC fucks.

    And btw you mentioned earlier though that Florida had better beaches than even the Caribbean minus a couple of spots. Eh, no. I can think of numerous Caribbean beaches that Florida can't touch, and I've never even been to the Bahamas.

    Technically it is the dang Mississippi rivers fault Galveston has brown water except for when a norther blows in.  You go to the beach in August or september in Galveston with a strong wind out of the north, it is every bit as clear as SPI.


    Of course, it also the fault of the Mississippi that Galveston Bay is the most productive fishery in the US(Yes technically Chesapeak is more, but it is 8 times the size of GB. so based on an efficiency level---which we are apparently obsessed with in sports----Galveston Bay is better.)

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  14. 1 hour ago, RollLeft said:

    Anyway....why doesn't Whataburger sell hot dogs?  It seems like they should.

    My preference for dogs is mustard, chili, cheese, and onions.  Though the Chicago style dog is a close second.  I am a fan of the tomatoes and pickle on it.  All that said i'm not a fan of relish and lastly mayo on a dog is blasphemy.

    To paraphrase DKR  "A hotdog is workfood you don't fancy it up."   Mustard, Chilli, Cheese, Ketchup, onions.    A Chicago style dog is akin to what San Francisco does to pizza.

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