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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. Electra has like 2700 people. It's and ugly patch of the highway, but it doesn't rate consideration. Vernon is fine. It's an isolated small north Texas town. There isn't anything distinctly bad about it. It's got a killer steakhouse...and speaking of burger joints---Bevo's is pretty dang good in Vernon Texas.
  2. If we go this way................... I would say we do what we did in 1956 when we were turned down by our early candidates and ended up with Royal....Ask Urban who he would hire. It got us Royal closing in on 64 years to the day......
  3. No, when I lived down there, we could count on at least one strong blow to come out of the north in late august or September every year and make the water all clear and pretty before it got cold. Of course if a Hurricane was coming in just east of us all of a sudden the water got clear, the bay emptied completely, then flooded, then you were picking up shells on the beach like you were in the Carribean.
  4. As usual a whole heaping helping of jack squat.
  5. Well if UM comes........you might get to see really good Sam all next season. I think it is entirely possible he could come back if he is excited about an Urban hire and Urban wants him.
  6. Technically it is the dang Mississippi rivers fault Galveston has brown water except for when a norther blows in. You go to the beach in August or september in Galveston with a strong wind out of the north, it is every bit as clear as SPI. Of course, it also the fault of the Mississippi that Galveston Bay is the most productive fishery in the US(Yes technically Chesapeak is more, but it is 8 times the size of GB. so based on an efficiency level---which we are apparently obsessed with in sports----Galveston Bay is better.)
  7. To paraphrase DKR "A hotdog is workfood you don't fancy it up." Mustard, Chilli, Cheese, Ketchup, onions. A Chicago style dog is akin to what San Francisco does to pizza.
  8. If your going to a beach in Florida gobto Key West........otherwise I fail to see the point.
  9. But then you have to spend time in Florida so what's the point......
  10. I don't know but personally after having lived in Austin, College Station, Huntsville, Houston, Galveston, Texas City(Breakers Apts if you must know....a real peach of a place to live), Friendswood, and currently in a little slice of paradise of outside of a burg of about 3500......living(not visiting) in any predominantly urban area sounds pretty Hellish these days.
  11. Wind........vs. ridiculous humidity
  12. Seriously......it isn't like he left OSU for Texas. People will still love him plenty for the NC and program he built before they basically ran him off. It's like the steakhouse argument...Chicago didn't suddenly close Ditka's when he decided to unretire and coach the Saints.
  13. Stuff for kids to do? They have a beach and an ocean.....what help do they need finding something to do?
  14. Gumbo is good. Gaidos seafood is good.....but their chocolate moose is transcendent. Oh yeah and The Island has a big time Texas Ex and Offensive lineman for Mayor who is an awesome individual all around.
  15. Gumbo is good. Gaidos seafood is good.....but their chocolate moose is transcendent. Oh yeah and The Island has a big time Texas Ex and Offensive lineman for Mayor who is an awesome individual all around.
  16. Didn't know it had gone bye bye. Spot is about the best burger you'll find on the island....If you venture to the mainland Carlos's Beer Garden in League City makes a good one too.....Don't know if Tookies is still around in Kemah but they were pretty good. Best oysters in Texas can be found at Gilholleys in San Leon.
  17. Rudy and Pacos is phenomenal. As is the original Willie Gs, Gaidos, and for us burger lovers The Spot. Fertittas crap can all fall into the ocean.
  18. Galveston is great all around. The beach down towards San Luis Pass is actually pretty deserted and can get fairly clear water. Port A is better Beach wise but it's ridiculously crowded these days.
  19. thanks red.
  20. If he delivers the performance we expect, he will be free to collect the final 2 years in retirement.
  21. You could say our process is organic in nature.
  22. I saw Andy Liscano is kicking it in Corpus, we should sick him on Herman's sordid web. Loved me some Andy Liscano sports back in the day.
  23. A bunch of stupid posts using that pic.
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