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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. Afraid of the bacteria in the meat grinder that ground the beef is what I'm afraid of.
  2. Medium rare burger? What is wrong with you.....
  3. Depends on the BMD i guess. Jim Bob Moffett would just give Deloss his personal plane to jet around.
  4. So its 2020....we should expect a respirator with Herman's play sheets?
  5. CTJs sources say its either Bum Phillips or Boss Hogs reanimated corpse. CDC is sparing no expense.
  6. Herman's going to the NFL
  7. That was my exact thought.
  8. Larry with an update... Texas might have a covid outbreak? RapGameLarry @RapGameSports33 · 5m COVID hit Texas football?
  9. after the brunette in the middle I really don't care anyway.
  10. Seriously.....freaking out about a Nahlin comment about a possible issue makes less sense on this board then when we flipped out about Meyer's wife's Twitter interactions...... Next you'll be telling me to trust Ketch's information....
  11. Also interesting with his strange ties to RapgameLarry.
  12. Who eats mayonnaise? Now Miracle Whip on the other hand is the bomb.
  13. The same thing that cause one to have great chicken strips and fries and the other 16 miles down the road to serve the same food but it looks like something else entirely.
  14. El Arroyo hasn't been the same since Clay sold it sadly.
  15. That's good because their BBQ is trash.
  16. Their fries are weak though. If going rural joints Herd's in Jacksboro and Tex Millers in Cameron. And about as far from rural as it gets but Lankford Grocery in Houston is actually worth the pain it is to get to.
  17. Not claiming it's great food, but there is something about a big Mac when I haven't had one in a while. Should have had Dairy Queen in there around steak and shake, but the quality from one joint to the next is hard to predict. 20 years ago I practically lived at Dirtys.....
  18. What burger McDonald's Freddy Steak and Shake Wendy's Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage In and out Jack in the Box Burger King No love for Dirty's on here?
  19. My wife has been watching and reading the Outlander series. It's been awesomr.
  20. From our perspective yes. But that isn't CDC's perspective. If he felt his hand's were tied as long as Tom had a shot at the Big 12 title, then his hand's were tied. Now they aren't. Or.....as I already said FCB knows squat.
  21. Some of us don't actually use foul language. see?
  22. Because until Tom lost that game, CDC wasn't going to deal with basic rumors. Just like he wasn't last year when the rumors were abounding that Tom was gonna be fired before he beat Tech. Heck even CTJ claimed we had someone line up and backed out after he beat Tech(which while I like CTJ I find really hard to believe that bit but oh well, he's got more insider juice then I ever will). Now there is something to act upon, there is a message to to convey and a story to steer. Something is happening and CDC is acting with regards to it. OR FCB is as full of bleep as he always is and knows jack bleep and CDC isn't communicating squat.
  23. Everybody knows he is gone. Previously there was no reason to send out any messages. Now the cracks are appearing in the silence and probably some BMDs are waging their tongues to people they shouldn't so he is doing what an AD does.
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