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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. I can't believe I am responding to one of your posts but here goes: You literally just said that donors are the cash cow of UT Athletics. Donors are currently sitting on their wallets for donations and merchandise. Apathy has set in at all levels. How does apathy set in? Because the money doesn't have faith in investing in the product that they are seeing and the T-shirt fans don't want to buy your garbage you are selling. How do you combat apathy? By hiring a proven winner coach that energizes the fan base and gets the BMDs to pony up their money again. If Herman is the head coach next fall, we will have the lowest ticket sales and donation levels in decades(noncovid).
  2. Look, we all like Carrington. Maybe he stays on....but probably not. Coaches like to bring in their own people. Maybe Urban has some connection to BC or makes a spot for him, it could happen. But everytime there is a coaching change people talk about the good coach or staff member that the new coach should keep....and it very rarely actually happens.
  3. So which one of you jackwagons reads surley and writes this garabage for them.....I mean seriously this is basically a rehash of the past 10 pages minus the meltdown about recruiting....
  4. Ha, I misread your first post to say it was "quite unbelievable" that he had info. We're on the same page. Plus he doesn't murder the english language like some people.......
  5. Yeah that is basically what I was going for. He isn't someone building his followers by covering UT or having a stated vested interest in it. He just happens to know someone who at this point in time knows things that are accurate and passing it along. When this cycles through he will most likely lose said information and go back to covering what he traditionally does.
  6. True but he seems to be a fairly narrow focus guy on what he tweets about. The sudden random and accurate info relating to UT and recruiting makes it quite believable that he has some random connection at the moment.
  7. Is Kyle unobtainable? No. Is he likely?? maybe. Is he exactly what this board has been saying they don't want----ie a sudden flash in the pan hot coaching commodity without longterm success? Yes. Is it completely unbelievable that he would dump the NFL for College?-No--see Jim Harbaugh. Will it happen? probably not.
  8. This board......Urban isn't coming and we should just quit playing football to we might be hiring Shanahan.......
  9. Agreed. Although I didn't realize it while watching, if you look back Tom turtled hard the 4th quarter of the Sugar Bowl.
  10. Man the longer this drags on the more I want to kick myself for being excited when we came back against Tech............it's possible this is already done if Tech had just finished it....
  11. .....You think Vince is gonna study film.......
  12. Didn't ya'll read the news coverage after the Baylor game? Texas righted it's ship by beating that tough baylor opponent.......*barf*
  13. Mack got well compensated for his work here. Then he got lazy and burned out and was allowed to collect his salary while basically doing nothing. He could be pissy sure. He could also be a professional and not try to completely sabotage the program on his way out the door. Tom Hicks himself thought he was doing Mack a favor since he was burned out. Lots of people pour themselves into something and don't try to burn it to the ground like a high school kid when it is time for them to step aside.
  14. Sorry I think I was meaning to reply to @Fastbreak with that reply not you.
  15. I don't know, maybe there is a group of players that love him, but at the same time, we have heard from almost the outset how much his players don't like him and how often he has almost lost this team for me to believe the team in mass loves him. Then again, I can remember being extremely defensive about my dad complaining about my high school football coach so who knows.
  16. Really? Ya'll think his season hinged on OU and that choice? Was going for 2 all of a sudden going to make him a competent coach and his teams be well coached and disciplined? NO. We got beat in "HIS YEAR" by the worst OU team in 22 years or more and it took Sam going superman to get us there. Beating OU in overtime would have been nothing more then the comeback over Tech. A mirage that prolonged the suffering.
  17. It's not just this year though. He was very nearly fired at the end of last year and was supposedly given his marching orders to save his job or not when he got to redo his staff. The team is worse this year then last year. In every capacity. It isn't just practice it is everything about this team.
  18. That would depend...if suddenly getting pissy because Tom Hicks tells you that he has an agreement in place to bring Saban in as your replacement so you can ride off into the sunset and you scuttle the whole thing....then on top of that when you know you are leaving, you waste all of the head coach in home visits so your successor won't have any....
  19. I don't know why this keeps getting posted? Most people that enjoy that level of success or reach that pinnacle point learn how to be one thing in public and something completely different in other settings. Guess what... Saban is capable of being a total ass when he wants, Urban as well, I'm sure Dabo is same, as are Harbaugh(both of them), Jimbo, Malzahn, etc etc etc. Jimmy Johnson is a total waste of a human being outside of being a football coach 20+ years ago. I can't speak to Coach Royal ( only met him once) or Landry or others further back, but I will reference what James Street said in regards to Royal. "His door was always open for you, but you never ever wanted to have to walk through it." Lots of people that are "beloved in public" and highly successful are total ass hats in private. Tom's issue is that he's a total ass hat all the time.
  20. um....Isn't Chips buyout like $9 million? I know that is what UCLA has to pay him if they fire him early.
  21. Just gonna say, while I like the band....if it is a choice between EOT and the band....drop the band.
  22. CDC is gonna enjoy telling Herman this after all this crap is over...whether its Urban or not....
  23. This forum when someone ask what something stands for..
  24. I don't know....but CDC strikes me as the type who double dots his I's and double crosses his T's. I would reckon if he gave the coaches a directive that they will have the players stay for the eyes and all that, I would bet there is a written and dated version of that directive somewhere. If TH is truly as unlikeable as it seems, it shouldn't be too hard to find players/staff who would be willing to report him giving contradictory information to the players from what CDC gave to him. If TH was winning 10-11 games a year and competing for a NC every year would this be an fireable issue....no. But that isn't the situation. As for Ketch and his pile of garbage...I seriously thought he was about to try and discredit and smear Reese to defend his report. OH.....and the only image I have of Ketch that is associated with Jurassic Park is:
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