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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. This. If Bru didn't want Drama he would have announced it a long time ago.
  2. Don't care, just really like seeing her on the board.......
  3. Cousin- Cody Carlson- QB for Baylor and the Oilers.
  4. https://tenor.com/view/milkshake-drink-mean-nope-gif-4229730 Herman to Patterson I suck at imbeding gifs apparently.
  5. Also whats a 5 star high school?
  6. Desmond is bad. Whoever replaced Fowler is not good. I still like Herbie e en if I don't agree with him. He actually sounds like he enjoys talking college football. The bear is garbage. Doesn't he have a phone number with his voice recorded on it somewhere with his hot picks? Who gives a bleep. Too much SEC love and too much pointless human interest story garbage. Actually having the hosts talk about the games more than just there picks was nice at one time. Oh yeah and the celebrity guest is horrible.
  7. Hmm compare A&Ms 1-1 start to our 1-1 start when we supposedly have better talent and an easier schedule the 1st 2 weeks. Which coaching staff would you eant to commit to? I said staff because lord knows few of these guys commit to a school.
  8. Maybe so, but even if they collapse they will still win 8 or so games and look respectable while we aren't certain we will be baylor and Kansas.....
  9. ESPN has to be looking for a way to pull the plugon the Longhorn network...
  10. And we were wanting to poach LSU after Orgeron screwed up... lol And I think we can stop worrying about our d coordinator running off.
  11. Somebody with skills needs to put hermans head on hanks and jimbos or urbs on stillwell. Maybe premature, but hilarious all the same.
  12. A few points. A) Man some of yall are whiny. B) Some WR cruits are waiting to see if we can put a competent passing game on the field this year with a respectable QB who doesn't just run around in the backfield until someone gets open. C) As already stated we haven't been a winning program in the time these kids have been watching football. Sure they like Texas and such but some kids have been hearing this is the year Texas is gonna be good for as long as they have been watching football. If we actually have competent consistent QB play, a functioning dependable offense, and win some of these guys may change their mind. But right now they need to see it not hear it. Point D-Z) I'm not crying over a dang WR.
  13. I was going more for the having the in with momma and getting the flip.
  14. Been ruminating on Neal and I am not worried about him for 2 reasons. 1) A&M is very capable of looking very bad on defense this year. If they do Leal will start getting antsy about the quality of the coaching/product. 2) Ron Tatum
  15. Not to bring stanford talk back, but he meant almost all the Texas players at Stanford are undeclared. Not almost all the Texas players at Texas.....
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