I view a young, mobile QB with a excellent long ball a decided advantage vs an experienced, immobile, very limited long ball QB, specifically given Texas head coach is Sark.
I think the first option truly does more to alter defensive game planning than the second, if the OC/HC can come up with a game plan to offset the inexperience. For me, this is a put up or shut up year for Sark. For reasons we will probably never fully know (but can and will speculate about), he opted to keep an injured (both physically and mentally imo) veteran QB in when I felt putting in Arch in Georgia 1 would have been better for the long term health of Texas Football. That's his choice and no point debating it now, he made a calculated decision, which was his to make and it is his bed to lay in. That bed, and his own words plus broadly speaking most expectations of fans and media means he better fucking figure it out. If he's truly a offensive genius like we've been consistently told, we SHOULD be in better shape this year.