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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. I view a young, mobile QB with a excellent long ball a decided advantage vs an experienced, immobile, very limited long ball QB, specifically given Texas head coach is Sark. I think the first option truly does more to alter defensive game planning than the second, if the OC/HC can come up with a game plan to offset the inexperience. For me, this is a put up or shut up year for Sark. For reasons we will probably never fully know (but can and will speculate about), he opted to keep an injured (both physically and mentally imo) veteran QB in when I felt putting in Arch in Georgia 1 would have been better for the long term health of Texas Football. That's his choice and no point debating it now, he made a calculated decision, which was his to make and it is his bed to lay in. That bed, and his own words plus broadly speaking most expectations of fans and media means he better fucking figure it out. If he's truly a offensive genius like we've been consistently told, we SHOULD be in better shape this year.
  2. I always thought it was psychopath stalkin'. Turns out I was wrong.
  3. Fuck the Police Colors And the body count is low, but Zombie, cause it's a fantastic song and has a nice pun tied into aggie athletics/fans.
  4. Bo Barnes postive news gruntles me a ton. My attendance many moons ago at Skyline HS has no effect nor bias in my opinion, at all.
  5. Yuck yuck yuck...
  6. Um.. since you're such a big sunshine pumper maybe you should reflect upon my words "experienced and functional". Baxter isn't experienced. I consider 4.7 ypc and more than 1000 yards on 226 caries as experienced and functional.
  7. I tend toward the glass half empty crowd. Im not @satyanash but I'm no sunshine pumper either. Based on whats returning and incoming I think SEC champ game is a somewhat realistic goal barring bad injuries even with our fairly difficult schedule. Frankly, a goal of less than SEC champ game every year is sandbagging at this point. Given our NIL and money, there aren't any more excuses to aim lower. National Championship dunno, but as the poster said above me, our D is going to be tops in the nation. We've got a young but undeniably super talented QB that is going to open up a lot more playbook pages for Sark. We've got incredibly fast and talented WRs, a very functional and experienced RB, and plenty of talent at OL/TE. If with all that the staff can't put together a conference championship contender, they don't really deserve to be here.
  8. Pffffffffttttt, fucking poser!
  9. I completely forgot about your crazy women stories... Holy shit.
  10. Pretty sure I dated her at one point in my life. If it wasn't her it was her equally insane twin. I'm fortunate in that those sorts of women are drawn to me like flies to shit. #blessed
  11. This. Every Cowboy fan I've ever known attributes 99.999999% of every loss directly on the owner. Because they are...
  12. Well, man, they are absolutely stellar against air which clearly means SEC ready. Sad you don't know that fact.
  13. This is a great thread. Glad I checked in to see if there was any good info on where Texas might be leaning on a new head coach. So much more informative than Google search click bait stuff in here. I'd fuck the small tit spinner and Id prefer to keep CDC rather than replace him with a female. I've see Penders and Beard got run on this page, so I'll just note Barnes is still coaching at UT so.... there's some more fuel for the fire. I'll see myself out, have a great evening.
  14. Cal is a head of BYU and SMU in that list too. Yeah... there are some bizarre ones in there.
  15. Yeah man.. obviously its all pure speculation at this point, but in my extremely biased opinion I think he's up there with NWA, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys.. while I loved Slick Rick, Too Short, Grand Master Flash, Sugar Hill Gang, IceT etc, I would put DOC over all of those outside NWA, PE and Beasties as my personal preference. I thought he lyrics were better than PE even.
  16. In case anyone is interested the link below has the full CNBC list. That Tech is top of the Big 12 and aggie is #3 ahead of schools like Michigan and USC, it leaves me very skeptical of these evaluations. Link to CNBC full rankings
  17. It shocks me how many people dont know DOC. Obviously, growing in Pleasant Grove in the 80s Im um... a bit more "urban aware" than most but DOC never got the love he deserved not only for his rap career but for all the production work he did post. I've clearly derailed this thread with my DOC fanboi shit, but... it was a big part of my youth.
  18. Holy shit balls!!! Proper fucking love. I still count DOC as Dallas even though he got down with NWA. Nemesis and it rolls.. the base lines in their songs and they way they recorded them in studio was amazing. Otherwise, I'd love to disagree with your overall take but sadly can't.
  19. You're a regular Surly poster. We are all special needs.
  20. Yeah, I just used this in another thread... but it applies here as well..
  21. Beat me to it. Limiting aggie recruiting to only red asses or dumb asses....
  22. @SL Xpress Not to challenge you rather for better understanding of your points, when you say college athletics will go bankrupt I'd love some clarification. Are you say the system will go bankrupt as an entity or that the parts (Universities) will all go individually bankrupt by the unregulated cost growth of NIL? Wouldn't/shouldn't, prior to that point, the canaries in the coal mine (lower budget "big name") schools provide proper warning for regulatory compliance laws to stabilize the market prior to the complete demise?
  23. I have no standards man, this is well established.
  24. She's a completely fucked up pos human... but... I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't
  25. We're both going to hell.
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