I worked in a mental health hospital. Without violation of privacy I can say there was essentially a life long resident there that had committed homicide. They first sent that person to prison. There were issues in the prison, relating to mental health, and they finally sent them to a psychiatric facility.
On meds, they were occasionally confused, sometimes irritable, but usually extremely compliant and quiet the majority of the time.
They were very sick, had to eat state food for life, never getting out, and never had visitors.
I know there's sometime the idea that this is an easy out, but if you've ever met or know any truly mentally sick people, it's extremely sad.
I just hope someday this country will recognize like cancer, it's a disease. It sometimes leads to tragic consequences, but... if we were more proactive and willing to fund mental health in this US, it might be less frequent for it to escalate to tragic ends.
It ends well for nobody. I know this is an unpopular take, but I'm never changing my view on it. Go spend some time with some truly mentally ill folks before a final judgment.