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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. Miami, BYU, ND, Ohio State, Penn State are all teams I think Texas would be favored to win and I'd be happy as a fan to have in the playoffs.
  2. I'm sure i could look it up but are there conference alignments to the Quarter finals? (Like old school)
  3. That what I thought but it ND so some fucked up rule might have applied.
  4. Okay, thanks for the clarification. So it would be Miami if that was hypothetically a final. Yeah I'd be good with those but the quarter finals would have some blow outs favoring the "underdogs" imo. By underdog I mean the conference Champs would by underdogs to some much better teams in the quarters, imo.
  5. I'm sure I'll sound crazy and be shit on, but I'd prefer Oregon to IU in the post season.
  6. With the "champs" by that list, as i understand, being Oregon, Texas, BYU and... ND (?does that ranking get ND a bye week without having to play a ccg???) Or does it go to Miami. Honest question.. but ND or Miami... Yeah man, I'd take that group
  7. Just christ, I was agreeing with your first point. I don't know wtf we're arguing about. #Surlyfindsarguementinagreement
  8. Yeah well, most of them just say stuff like "I got this." "I'm capable", "I appreciate the opportunity", "look forward to the opportunity". Not "Hold my beer".
  9. The Honey Bees would like a word with you.
  10. All the biggest bad asses I've know in business and sports or otherwise never talked themselves up. They felt no need to do so. They were humble and had self confidence that their performance would illustrate they're abilities or had already.
  11. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.
  12. Actually looking a little more, does aggie actually have that vagina stripe on their real game pants? It's extremely emasculating.
  13. @boilerhorn Yeah, its honestly not that far from the real work world. If you're under performing and engage with management, create a plan to work with more successful teammates and mentors you're going to get a lot more wiggle room and opportunity. If it's still not happening and you go find a new job while still trying to do your current one, most of the time the the management is going to be supportive of your move to the new company. Shit bagging on your company to co-workers and threatening to leave while under performing and making no efforts to improve.... GTFO
  14. I'm only typing the following words, because henceforth I shant ever again. Tuddies Natties (Unless used to describe Natural Light beer which rarely comes up in my conversations, and then only with my WT connections) Wifey I'm going to quietly dislike and ignore all future thoughts from anyone who does. You've been warned and you're welcome.
  15. Might as well, Indiana is better than Kentucky or Ohio State, and I think they would match up well against Bama.
  16. Oh and if anyone here wants to give me Indiana +21.5 v OSU... let's talk $ amounts in DM.
  17. No so fast my friend. IU has a larger average margin of victory in common opponents over Oregon. So.. IU is better if that's the only data point you want to use.
  18. Looking at his LinkedIn he's volunteered at animal shelters for decades. So, probably. I'll look at his socials.
  19. Ticks, Fleas, Yellow Jackets, Carpenter Bees, stink bugs (Chinese ones), fake lady bugs all come in way before the Sooner and most before Fire Ants.
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