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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. They strike me as excuse makers not melt down folks, either way... I look forward to it.
  2. Have you bothered to watch Texas actually play a game since the Alamo bowl? It's a rhetorical question by the way, because I already know the answer. Enjoy your short time on this forum. It will end poorly.
  3. Is a CSB! ..but you had a signal just after that AND heard it ring. Were you using a sat phone and why were you answering it? Oh wait.. maybe you weren't at the game. I'm on page now.
  4. I love my dog, and don't know yours. Throngs of really drunk people and not being able to go inside is suboptimal for most dogs and dog owner experiences. Now take it to the dog thread!! 🐕
  5. I'll use a bit of care and qualification here, because they aren't exactly the same but there sure seem to be a lot of similarities but my data points are vastly different. I went snow skiing in Lake Tahoe prior to the USC game. I, by design, wore Texas gear frequently. I've also known more than my fair share of USC fans. Every USC fan I had ANY level of engagement with was completely certain Texas would be destroyed. I really did not find a single "fan" that knew who "number 10 was for Texas" , and I asked frequently. Which sort of shocked me. I mean, I get not knowing our OL or DBs... but um.. he was at the same Heisman ceremony with Bush. Most USC fans I met at the time and know epitomize the fair weather Tshirt fan. Based on the experience with Washington, it seems it might be a West Coast fan thing, not just a USC fan item.
  6. Which is really a shame because it's going to mess up all the klan plans at Texas when the rich white boy end up sucking. I found that aspect/claim pretty "rich" considering the source. Cuckhold
  7. Well, that and the fact that general Houton area and a tad north wasn't Bama/Washington.
  8. Is it just me or does The Elk look a little like Looch?
  9. I will say this, aside from former SWC teams, (misery I don't care about really) I really dislike Georgia fans the most, living in Tennessee guess UTK is pretty annoying with their other UT shit. Bama fans remind me of Notre Dame fans when I lived in Chicago. 99% Tshirt, 100% mouth breathers.
  10. Someone posted that somewhere recently. (Look at the big brain on Chet). I don't recall them listing the teams. OU, ATM, Pig, Corn, SMU, Sand Aggie, TCU, Rice, Cougar High, Baylor come to mind. They all hate us (Rice meh.. but..) That's 10? For me, Ousux. That's all I have to contribute.
  11. 5, 2, 1, 6, 3, 4 Like you I'm flexible but in a different sense. We agree on who should be seeded #1 but differ a lot after that. Seems we'd likely make good wing men for one another. I can't and never could put my leg behind my head, but I do posses other less tangible skills. Edit - To be clear, should the extremely unlikely situation come to pass, where you and I are deciding which of the 6 USC pom squad interested in fornication with us both we are going to bed... I'm not a proud man, and I'd be willing to accept sloppy seconds as required. I'm a giving and understanding man, you see. Mostly, I'm rambling at this point to redirect the conversation towards hot ass USC cheerleaders or aggie stupidity and away from band camp talk.
  12. Thought I'd stop by and introduce Darlene, the Redneck Princess. She's a hole digging, deer chasing, cliff climbing hyper active nut ball that also like spa days, nail salons and comfortable sleeping conditions. She does have the white boots to go with her tiara. 20231204_155430.mp4
  13. Well.. my take is we fucked up "more than 10 point margin of victory" 7 teams this year. All of those had pretty shitty Ds and not great offenses. I think Kansas had the best defense of those 7 "blow out" wins by stats. (Feel free to correct me here on data) That reality leads me to believe that if if there is a team to be fucked up in the CFP, I think it's Washington. I think the others are sub 14 point games either way. This is super scientific and fuck, Jan 1st is a long way off.
  14. Aggie sets records bro! This is known. Squeeze your own balls and ooze confidence that they are leading the charge of new college football records!
  15. The use of ooze associated with anything from aggie is both apt and repulsive.
  16. Just like every oSu Cowboy sings his sad, sad song Every rose has its thorn
  17. Move it away from the Cotton Bowl/fair and it's simply another conference game in a shitty NFL environment, and home and home would be even less special. I don't get why some people can't understand this. If they moved it to Jerha World, I'm pretty confident I'd just stop going. Not sure I'd even go to Dallas as.. if I'm not going to the game no reason to be in Dallas. Pretty sure I'm not alone.
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