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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. 1) Fake Authority and fake power, combined with lots of delusional cult ideogies. 2) Yes, very much so. 3) see #1 and @DaggerHorns suggestion
  2. It was a fine piece of writing at the time given the known realities. How could Graham know about super secret BOM conspiracies occurring behind the backs of everyone.
  3. Its aggie, so either it was their prior to purchase or its the initials of the driver. Richard Ball maybe
  4. Iowa is one of those weird ass fan bases that have no ties to reality, based on my fairly limited exposure. They think they are a well-known helmet school, and a threat every year to win the BIG. They are a weird, not nearly as cultist similar group to aggie and Miami. No real context of their place in college football history or the media. They are more known for the teams they play than themselves but they can't separate that reality. Someone should start a thread about the weirdest college football fans/teams. I'd throw in CU and USC as oddities as well for the kings of Fairweather Tshirts, and curiously Miami belongs in that discussion as well. Then there is true Tshirt King, Notre Dame. Does it seem like I hate Miami fans? You're not wrong. It really would be an interesting discussion for the off season.
  5. Well, I am just a sock for a Auburn grad that writes aggie propaganda so... I've done worse.
  6. I woke up one spring break day on the sand, guessing about 9 am. It took me a while to figure out where i was as... I didn't recall the drive after a evening of binge drinking. Found my car eventually, on the beach. My friend was in it. He didn't know who drove either nor what time we left. I did throw my backpacking gear in the trunk. We lived like Austin homeless for 3 days until I got 2nd degree sun burn on my feet, the entirety of the tops. We went to Matamoros for pain killers. Got an hourly hotel, I think, dont remember how we paid just how gross. Friend had to drive home cause even on drugs my feet still hurt so bad. Woke him up at least twice. There's a reason I dont drink anymore, well, lots of them but that's one of them. Nobody died, to my knowledge. Maybe got a bathroom blow job at a party. Remember being in there with a girl. Ahhhh.. memories...
  7. Remarkable indeed. It's become a somewhat interesting discussion with informative aspects and some light hearted amusement. Curiously the X thread on domestic abuse or insane exes, you decide cause we dont know shit, thread, has taken an amusing turn as well.
  8. If you guys think cars are an issue... wait until you want to upgrade your home entertainment, your company wants to upgrade their conference rooms, your children's schools or college want to complete their new building. Doesn't help any of the people or companies doing the installing nor the folks selling for the manufacturers. Sigh... some people don't consider the "trickle down economics" of specific global financial moves.
  9. No disagreement at all. Not sure if you thought we were, but nothing in your post disagrees with what you responded to in mine.
  10. Not currently but there is a Ewers thread where you can discuss WWII and Japanese culture. Also, there is an Xavier Worthy thread where you can discuss specifics aspects of domestic abuse, laws and behaviors. There's a Deion Sanders thread where you can discuss racists and racism. There's a Cowboys thread where you can discuss depression, hopelessness and other psychological issues. There's a Mack Brown thread where you can discuss revisionist history. So, I mean, you seem pretty well covered but who doesn't need another WWII thread where we discuss Quinn. You should start one up amigo.
  11. It is not entirely correct to put the full weight of an unwillingness to surrender entirely on Hirohito. The partnership between Japan and Hitler wasn't purely military oriented. There were a lot of cultural similarities specifically racist and a believe in superiority. While the Japanese culture is a top down, follow the leader then, and even still in many ways today, the Japanese people had bought in to the superiority belief. They, broadly speaking, were, culturally, ready to fight until every last Japanese citizen was dead because they could not lose. They couldn't lose because they were superior to all others. Kinda like how that one poster views QE as superior to all players all time and any failings land squarely on his teammates shoulders. All that said Im not a Japanese historian. I am happy to hear any clarification or error points on my understanding from anyone who is such an expert.
  12. You say that like that specific thread derail is somehow diminishing the overall quality of the primary topic in this thread. It is not.
  13. I am no fan of either fella, but I know an ass whoopin' when I see one. I'm not saying Putty would be a world champion light weight MMA fighter at his 5'7" 150ish fighting weight, BUT an FSB grad is gonna make quick work of a fat nerd who has to fake online gaming skills.
  14. Im a Telsa driving, Aggie article writing sock incel of gun toting and non-US family origins. Clearly, I know fuck all and can't ever be reasonable nor reasoned with in internet discourse! Now get off my fucking lawn before I shoot you for touching my Cybertruck and invading my safe space!
  15. Yeah, which still leaves a few items in question. First, eye witness testimony is shit, always has been, always will be. Second, is a neutral 3rd party, one of X's good friends, a friend of both parties. However, when you combine the dropped charges AND eye witness testimony it looks stronger for X. There remains the question, to my knowledge, of where the strangulation aspects came into the case. Was the former accuser the one who brought it into the fold or the police? That's a huge variance and I dont recall seeing the answer. So... evidence appears on the surface to lean in X's favor, but there is still less we dont know that do.
  16. This is all true. On the opposite side, women have fabricated domestic violence issues in the past given some slight, usually infidelity but there are other reasons. As I understand it, the mandatory prosecution is usually tied to prior issues with the same couple. In that case it makes a LOT more sense, imo, as abusers are, more often than not, habitual offenders. The mandatory prosecution is as much a protection for police force resources as they are a protection for the women. Police keep going out to the same place time and time again. Female, despite all evidence never presses charges. It's a frustrating (for police) tax on public service and those are often extremely volatile situations. Not to mention, they often escalate in to more serious offenses including homicide. So, we don't know shit. Was this a woman who opted not to press charges due to various reasons post, did she even claim she was choked, did the police trump up the charge, did the woman falsely claim abuse to get back at the man for a completely different reason? We don't. What we do know is offenders are usually habitual. It will raise its ugly head again if that's the reality. Anything else, is just pure conjecture without further supporting evidence.
  17. I would change it slightly but it would be too long. We dont know shit! Its none of our business, but we aim to make it so.
  18. Whoa... whoa.. I don't see Taco Cabana on that list. What sort of sick, demented pervert are you?
  19. You didn't have pizza or wings that could be delivered? Dafaq? Where did you go to college?
  20. Fair, it might have been 1992. I recall it because I ate at players. Probably has some under age attained beers. I walked out, saw TCBY and wondered, wtf is that place. I think it was next to the Pizza Hut/Inn. I was young, dumb and full of curiosity among other things. Walked in, actually asked what it stood for iirc, and then bought some. Never returned. So I did, in fact, go there, once. Yes, it's true, there were no cars nor anyone else inside.
  21. You know me. I ate yogurt there in 1993. So, how long have you been an owner of the TCBY on MLK?
  22. Based on this and the past page, seems I should avoid, at all costs, flights to PHX and apparently FROM as well. OR... book more flights to PHX, depending on my mood. Noted.
  23. Wife and life related, but as we get older I think we just have less tolerance for wasting time. Maybe we hear the death clock, maybe it's something else, but I see it professionally, in the dating world and in marriages of close friends and family. Maybe not everyone but most rational, nice people I know cut right to the chase and call the situation what it is pretty quickly. I think, by necessity marriage is addressed differently verbally, but the feelings are no less present.
  24. Come on Vic, this is the Dumbass shit you see on Facebook thread. You're a pro. You posted an informative grilling item then a flat out, no bullshit, truth. Sigh, I expect better from you sir.
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