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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. Jeez fellas easy Google search. Yahoo Sports Quinn Recap March 1st
  2. That's actually pretty informative.
  3. I'm looking at them too, as Darlene is starting to take Valerie on her walk abouts. I found this this break down of Fi and other products. It's really in depth and I think does a great job of highlighting pros and cons. Being remote Fi can be an issue for me given ATT coverage. Oh, and because pics or it didn't happen.
  4. Which would actually be a sound strategy for getting charges dropped.
  5. I've came up with the perfect plan. During the event Surly rents a group of rooms in Cancun at an all inclusive. We buy 4 tickets that surely with be worthless. The days of the even we rent the the following, pay for some strippers and sail to the Island.
  6. Then you should contribute to the arts my man and support these starving artist..
  7. Don't kink shame my ancestors you Puma loving Illapau human sacrifice worshipping weirdo.
  8. I'd been willing to contribute to a new wreath fund so we could send a Surly contingent to this mestival. I nominate @immamac as an attendee, but I'm open to alternative options. Maybe we could get representative Kelly to go since shes posting here again under a sock. Just gonna need a videographer.
  9. You and your damn mosquito/Dengue obsession/kink.
  10. I'm met Luna. You wouldn't have time for a 4 step draw stroke.
  11. @Harrison Stafford Hah! Squirrel Games!! I would absolutely love to see a video of Ole engaged in "Squirrel Torment" if you're able to do so. @Jack Straw Right.. sure. Tell yourself whatever you need to, but this is a safe space for dog men.
  12. Darlene is the most curious "sleep position" dog I've ever known. I should probably post more of it on IG cause.... Yes she falls asleep with her ass on "their" couch and feet on the floor. She re-arranges the pillows and blanket to match her mood. She moves the hotel beds around for entertainment and sleeping needs. Darlene and Valerie and still figuring out their relationship. It's probably a shock to you all but Darlene isn't always super happy about sharing space, attention, toy, bones and food. Shocking!@
  13. If it is remotely similar to drop off/pick up at the airport, yes. My two favorites, those who don't think the rule of waiting in the wait zone are applicable to them and those who decided a family reunion is applicable in this area rather than parking and meeting them inside.
  14. As someone who lives on a lot of acreage on the Upper Cumberland Plateau, basically the low lands of Tennessee Appalachian for those not aware, I can assure you.... The Hollars Have Eyes.
  15. Lead Sing Joe Stump previously in Tower of Babel.
  16. UP Michigan band "Occupied Babel" album The Explosive Service of Pigs It's all in there already and it's Death Metal, with members of Scandinavian decent.
  17. Lovell played in the league for a minute or at least got a summer call before his life choices led him into obscurity. I was friendly with Mike Adams during and for years after college and we didn't talk a lot about it but I know he and Lovell were roommates and tight during their Longhorn days.
  18. Props to Martin for rehabbing his life (he’s supposedly a bitcoin expert now)
  19. I agree with Gray, Simms and even Marcus Houston. I think we Longhorns sometimes forget that Simms was nearly as talked about as Arch, just a long time ago without the social media hype cycle. All names I can easily recall even though one went to CU. Lulz, I actually can't recall his name right this second, but the Louisanna QB who came here, committed, then upon Decommitting was shown to he back door trying to pull existing Texas recruits. Ended up at LSU.. Ryan fucking Perilous (however the fuck you spell it) Moritz is a good one. His hype kept JB on the bench a lot longer than he should have been.
  20. Well, I'll tell the shortest version of a long story. I live on some acres and as such have to take my trash to a dump. I was rolling by Friday with the woman I'm seeing heading to drop off Darlene for grooming and take the woman to Valentine's Day lunch. (She works evening shift at hospital) In in the dump there was a little critter running around that was preciously getting nearly under wheel. I threw my trash out and could see she was badly under weight. I went to pull a milk bone from a snack bag behind seat and critter tried to jump in. Well, I gave her a snack and she quietly went to munching. Got back in the car, and "asked" female, hey any objections to dropping the little girl off at the shelter. Of course not, cause I'd have told her ass to get out if she did. I spoke with the trash dump attended and confirmed it wasn't his and someone left it. Offered to take it to the pound and he was happy because he was scared about the dog and wasn't sure what to do. (He couldn't leave). So i head to the shelter which, of course, was closed until noon. So... quick shift, I decided to go to my vet which I know takes walk in for health assessment and shots. I volunteer at the shelter and figure it will make the dog more adoptable and to do my part for dog kind. They accept and can even give her a bath. I take Darlene to the groomer and while I'm there snag a leash, collar and bag of food. Of course you need a bowl too. Just so, you know, I could figure out best plan for the dog. We go nice lunch. During which the woman I'm seeing smiles after I explain i got the leash, collar, bowls and food. "Oh I figured that's what you put in the trunk." I already knew... but then admitted it. I just adopted a new dog. On the way back to the vet to pick up my new dog, girl friend came up with the name Valerie for Valentine's Day. So... meet Valerie who has her shots, only had worms (already medicated) and is getting chipped and fixed ASAP.
  21. It really seems like Baylor and PSU are in a struggle to the death penalty to out shitty one another. Given this recent news I reticent to see what "hold my beer" news is about to come out of Waco.
  22. Bro, pretty fucking soon the grand kids of people I knew in college are gonna start showing up in these reports. Many of my friends children have already come and gone through the process and school.
  23. I can't speak to biomechanical reality nor specific medical knowledge. However, as someone with shitty genetic ankles that I've beat up WAY too much (3 breaks and multiple strains and sprains) tape does exactly fuck all other than soft walking (around the house) or as nice suspension to keep it from jiggling around while on crutches.
  24. Well... not always the case... and he was never Nazi party member but...
  25. I'd move Tennessee to Tier 2 (though they shouldn't be) and everyone else into Tier 5. All of Tier 3 is otherwise an an also ran and a couple of used to bes. It's a shitty list and structure but I guess anything for clicks.
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