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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. Couple of things here. First, But if that happens, arrest them and reveal their identity at that point. This is way easier said than done. Protests are typically large groups, and the larger they get the greater the chance for criminal activity. Beyond that, when the start to grow beyond a given area and start to expand (BLM or Occupy) there are people all over the place. Even IF they are not huge and spread out, they can easily scatter when the police show up, if they are even around by the time the police arrive. They usually aren't. Going with the angle of let of where masks until a crime is committed glosses over the reality of the situation. It's a nice tidy little idea, but it just doesn't work. As far as your children or grand children go, anyone can get on the slippery slope of for the children. I could come up with a complete list of why we should abolish the entire Bill of Rights, "for the children". It's quiet possible future generations will face dangers given laws at they sit today, in fact, it's nearly guaranteed. However, we can not govern the country based on those fears alone, be they legitimate or propaganda. It often leads to terrible laws and usurpation of rights. Sometimes, and frankly more time than not, in the extreme. Want clear proof? War on Drugs and Patriot Act.
  2. Having lived 10 years in Chicago 8 drinking 2 sober... If you want to scare a child regarding the dangers of booze drag them to Chicago for the week leading up to St Pats. I've been to a lot of massive party moments/places over the course of my life. Vegas and NYC on NYE for example. In my experience, nothing tops Chicago during St Pats for city wide abuse of alcohol.
  3. Ftfy Among the other misleading aspects of that video was the name of the robot. I've adjusted appropriately. It also had 2 voice responses: "You are being deceived" and "Peace through tyranny", which, if my not mistaken, are Tesla's corporate mottos.
  4. The test is not complete without the most important appendage being subjected to the "cut off test".
  5. Come and knock on my door They're gonna need a gay female to round out the Three's Company trifecta and I've got the perfect cast member:
  6. I'd like to point out Nebraska and Missery as exhibits B and C please.
  7. All of this. You want to get arrested in the name of your cause, by all means. It falls clearly into civil disobedience and is a well known form of protest. You want to restrict movement of another group of people, counter protestors or bystanders, you're now impending on THEIR rights. You fight back against people defending their rights or they fight you for theirs, that's in the game. Either or boths sides gets injured or arrested for those actions, it's in the game. You signed up for this, and if you aren't prepared to suffer the consequences of your actions don't play the game. Because it isn't a game at all and there are repercussions to your actions. As there should be. In my youth I was a part of Anti-Racist Actions which ultimately morphed into Antifa. (It's a long complex morph but that's the short version) As a group we actively went out and faced down with physical aggression groups of neo-nazis who were staking claim to specific areas, most notably the up and coming Deep Ellum at the time. I put my hands on people and they put their hands on me. Had the police caught the activity I would have gone to jail and likely been charged. I made the choice to face down folks that were staking claim to a give "space" and issuing their rhetoric and propaganda. They were also issues they crested of violence regarding "unwanted" folks in that space. I was 15. I knew my life, health and freedom were all at stake. I made choices. I don't regret them. I never went to police before or after, that was my choice. It's not a game, and the rules are known.
  8. Is it well funded and organized? Is the surly sober brigade counter protest also well funded and organized? I'm available to the highest bidder as long as no engineers are involved.
  9. On Friday or Saturday?? Frequently. Edit - Speaking of.. that is a location where I'd be more than happy to join a protest. These organizers are doing it wrong.
  10. What about a 2 story beer bong? Oh, I swallow!!!
  11. I will not suffer the tyrannical oppression of a grammar nazi! https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323449136_Focusness_Extraction_from_Images_for_Automatic_Camera_Control_by_Measuring_Objectness Focusness Extraction from Images for Automatic Camera Control by Measuring Objectness
  12. I come here for my PrimeTime Telenovela and I'll be damn if I'll let the fucking election debates interrupt my reading pleasure. Dammit!!!
  13. I think it apt and amazingly amusing that this thread has devolved into the pro-engineering and conference alignment debate. And I'll own my part in the protest going rogue. Focusness is a lost art.
  14. Sadly, way too many people in way too many ways lack any ability to look past the immediate squirrel in the room. They become fixated on a single aspect of a subject or goal and have zero ability to understand the long term picture at all. And just drive down any road anywhere USA to be made fully aware that focusness is a lost art.
  15. I do want to be very clear. While I completely support my friends and family in the engineering freedom fight, I'm not reading their protest manuals.
  16. E E, M E, even silly chemisty Engineers must be set free We have brains we have might Engineers will win the fight
  17. Amigo, I'm not even sure that I got a degree.
  18. Yeah, somebody has to sell the shit those fucking nerds create.
  19. EEs are fine, it's the Palestinian hating MEs and Pro-Israel CEs that are the problem.
  20. And a few less NOI feeds on her social media.
  21. This is cryptic and not very useful, thanks!
  22. That and/or internal forces with specific agendas (probably on both sides) would be the best bet.
  23. I sadly agree, and of course this being 'Murica the various sides are lining up the usual rhetoric and the social media propaganda machines are cranking up on both sides. Meanwhile, an issue that truly deserves national attention is being basically ignored. At this point, I really just hope it doesn't spin up into another national tragedy, but my hope is diminishing daily. I also don't think this is the last of its kind this year. It's become the political world we live in, and for that I'm greatly saddened. I still would like to know who's really driving this ship on the protests. Not many are asking that question.
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