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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. In my painfully long dating process I've determined that getting flat earth and covid vaccination thought aspects of the woman VERY early in the process helps eliminate a LOT of wasted cycles. BE: High I'm BE also known as Pimphand or Graham by my close friends. During covid I spent a lot of time on this cool astronomy app mapping stars. It was nice to travel some and use it in other places after I got the vaccine. You care much for astronomy. (This also triggers the astrology aspect. Pro dating tips, you're welcome.)
  2. I am not Graham.. stop spreading that rumor man.. or Doxing me.. either way, cut it out or I'm going to expose you for who YOU really are... Elmo.
  3. I quoted this and repped it not just for the accuracy of Naval shipment and the military in general it just holds true in so many other areas as well. Yes, more so in the military than others due to extremes of failure and success but.. From execution of a installation/build, to execution of a design project, to figuring out code on a urgent program to competition on a field of play regardless of sport. You might have the resume and/or measurables that appear great on paper or "practice" but when the rubber hits the road and the stress overwhelming there are those that just perform and those who fall apart. It's truly impossible to ever know who is which until the moment occurs.
  4. Pimphand is BurntEyes!
  5. Dude, everyone knows the "stars" are just a holographic image. Pluto is real though. I was abducted by beings from that planet. They didn't probe me, but they were into scat play and hated OU so it was an odd somewhat positive somewhat disgusting encounter. They do control the "asteroids" though and told me were good. So, don't worry.
  6. You know the back up to Pluto isn't even in the solar system yet right?!? And you think we should bench Pluto. If Uranus could block we wouldn't be having these issues. Stop blaming Pluto you Maga hat wearing Libtard Nazi.
  7. Fucking this. I'm tired of the hate Pluto gets on every single thread. Take that shit to the Planet Room.
  8. To be determined is not our standard!!!
  9. I'm a little surprised he isn't getting more love. I see him as a late round need pick and I think whoever picks him will get a great bargain for a nice slot/3rd WR. Has the PR history too as a plug-in and versatility pick. But I'm a little biased and know fuck all so..
  10. It's a bundle bro! We have all been taught that bundles are always a better deal even if it's way more expensive, trickier to order, often misses parts, and takes longer to deliver. It's just better cause it's a bundle. Stop asking questions and get your fried burrito on already.
  11. I own a Subaru and drive like an asshole so.. yeah.
  12. Or.. you know that "data" came from insurance quotes. Maybe, just maybe the real key take away here is Pontiac and Mercury drivers have no insurance, but at least they're good at drinking and driving. Practice makes perfect, so they say.
  13. I was told there would be no math.
  14. I'm afraid to answer on the grounds that I may be taken as a hater of one group or another. As such, I plead da fiff. That right Who's on Fifth. Saks? The correct or righteous side, whoever that may be, needs to pull the Ole' English and plant some fucking flags. That shit worked for them on 4 continents.
  15. Well, actually, I wasn't even critical of Palestinian nor Palestinians rather, I pointed out that the aren't a lot of options for them elsewhere. Which, I now know is being critical of Palestinian and clearly categorically wrong, apparently.
  16. So there is no desire for ethnic cleansing on the other side? Really? I you assume my position to be "A" based on one specific sentence. Got it. Fuck you, Hamas and this conversation.
  17. Let's do a roll call. Which frequent flier on Surly has not had a deep compulsive desire to punch the shit out of a bitch ass person on a flight that wouldn't shut the fuck up? Now, how many Surly folks have been the person I wanted to punch out on a flight for not shutting the fuck up? I'm going with a near 0 number on the first question and I'm guessing probably 3 on the second.
  18. It's long been true that all the other Arab countries "support" the Palestinian "cause" but sure as shit won't give them a place to live. Palestinians aren't exactly subtle with their long term goals regarding Isreal. Being against certain actions by the Israeli Government doesn't mean one is pro-Palestine/Hamas. Just as supporting Isreal against Hamas does not mean one is pro-ethnic cleansing. However to categorically seperate Palestine from Hamas is just denial of fact. To consistently side with one faction over and over again regardless of circumstances and not see the sliding scale of issues on both sides is a tell. Lots of shades of gray some here seem to want to overlook.
  19. Should have been C(r)ook, Shelby County or Orleans Parrish. If you know, you know.
  20. I posted more than once I don't want to allow myself to be dehumanized by these videos and allow myself not to acknowledge the loss of human life. I hate myself for it a little bit, but I could not stop laughing at that video. It's absolutely something out of a Monthy Python scene. Drill Sargeant:(In Russian Accent) "You will learn to take the drone explosion in your ass if you want to survive." Private: "Wouldn't it be better not to get hit by the drone?" Drill Sargeant: "What the fuck do you know Private!?!? Shut the fuck up and give me 50"
  21. I used to dedicated fall weekends entirely to football. College all day Saturday and NFL all day Sunday and then Monday night. Since I know there's zero chance the Cowboys are going to win a Superbowl I started watching fewer and fewer games about a decade ago. I started filling those Sundays with other activities from enjoyable ones to just shit that needs doing, like cleaning a lot. Eventually, 3 games dwindled to Cowboy games, then to Cowboy highlights and now.. not watching at all. My interest changed and I found something more enjoyable and interesting. Just that simple for me. As for the Superbowl, I truly don't recall the last time I watched it. I don't drink alcohol any longer, I eat healthy, hate marketing and commercials, don't have a lot of NFL loving friends, so even if there was a party, it wouldn't offer me anything of interest and neither does next Sunday. So, if I can't find anything on the all channels I want to watch, weather is such that I can't do something outside, don't feel like cleaning or playing any games on my console, and don't have anywhere to go.. I guess I might turn on the Super Bowl.. maybe. I'm not claiming 100% I won't watch it, but it's literally on the bottom of my interest list mostly because outside of Longhorns doing well, I truly don't give a shit what happens and I'll let Surly filter out the interesting commercials I should see.
  22. Is the baby seal a victim of baby shark?
  23. Hell the dock worker strikes in Oct had an effect. Anyone remember when they couldn't get any fucking technology within 6-12 months about 9 years ago. Long Beach strikes.
  24. I made it to that point and stopped. That's enough to let me know this guy is clueless and nothing he says was of value.
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