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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. Bedazzled overalls needs more love
  2. Dude, way to pick the low hanging fruit. I'll one up you. Those posts will come immediately after a 3 and out, unless there is an INT prior to a 3 and out. But wait there's more. The first time OSU scores there will be a minimum of 3 posters who immediately predict a loss for Texas. I can even name 2 of them if you like.
  3. Got to the MarkyZ thread for the details on how he collaborated with Al Gore to throttle pic downloads to help reduce TikToks value and market share. Also, why the lack of pic downloads led to distracted Texas WRs who dropped all the passes from Quinn that should have been caught. It's an epidemic and nobody was hit harder than Texas outside Georgia.
  4. Well then, send me some sexy pics of you to post! Or, ya know, post them yourself. I've reached my limit of internet pic downloads this week. I blame Al Gore and MarkyZ.
  5. Wait don't those scouts understand it's all the rest of the team, specifically the kicker and defense that are the cause of those issues?
  6. Hold the phone. You had me at Raquel Welch. Where can I obtain a copy of this particular issue? Pics for the sadly uniformed and because we were in Nahm but aren't anymore:
  7. Hmmm.. gonna disagree here. I say go the US WOD style and use some sort of goofy international water asset forfeiture laws to take all their cargo, fuel and "arrest" the crew. Redistribute the goods, fuel and crew. Send the ship on its way with massive fine post confirmation of repairs that caused the issue. If repairs can be paid for, auction that fucking boat off to the highest bidder. If the laws don't exist, make them up in the name of freedom and protecting the children. Profit!
  8. As someone who recently went through trade mark for name, "logo" and image (3 different submissions) I'll note that your legal team actively monitors for tm infringement. My non-lawyer guess is the infringement was brought forth but legal counsel. They advised it was winnable and a company isn't going to veto their lawyers. Well, I sure as shit wouldn't.
  9. Are you selling? Asking for a friend.
  10. Spelling and grammar smack.. hmmm fresh like BBS days bro strong. You sure do throw out negs quick for someone unmoved my total gibberish. Odd.
  11. Specifically, get some US flag wrap on it. Put bigger bling rims and short side wall tires, you'll tripple the investment by running an auction on the beach with some hired models to stand in the bed and cheer on the bidders.
  12. Now you're grasping at straws, but I suppose you can use them to fill your strawmen. I'm sure they too are misogynistic. You don't actually know how dumb you've made yourself look, do you? Might want to head back to CR or whatever weird as sub threads you typically hang out in. Logic and facts trump rhetoric, emotional name calling, and general dumb fuckery. This isn't Facebook but there us a thread about that shit shit too. Have fun and remember, better to keep your mouth closed and let them think you a fool than to open your mouth and prove it. Regards, A mouth breathing neophite
  13. Here is the amusing irony of some posters here and all over the interwebs. Automatically assuming that a woman can't be evil, manipulative or shitty and any accused male in the equation is ALWAYS at fault is actually extremely misogynistic itself. It takes on the white knight, poor defenseless women cloak and it's just as fucking shitty as victim blaming. Much worse so, when not only do those same misogynistic assholes refuse consider all the evidence but actively ignore evidence that supports that a woman is, GASP omg no wai!, capable of being evil, cruel, manipulative and generally a piece of shit human. I'm looking at you, all of you fucking white knight "all women are defenseless victims" misogynistic ass holes. Women can be strong and victims of assholes, but they can be strong evil assholes themselves.
  14. Sorry I should have been clear that I was speaking purely hypothetically. I know the Cowboys are contractually fucked. I'm was just wish casting Arch would tell Jerry to go fuck himself and pointing out how far away I've been driven from Cowboy Fandom by skeletor.
  15. Yeah, at some point call a spade a spade and move on. I hope the Cowboys do well, but... I really couldn't tell you the last time I watched a game. End of FUPM, coupled with Strong and Herman lead me to cancel season tickets after 32 years. I did go multiple games this year and last. Sports are entertainment, if I'm going to invest my time and money, I expect to enjoy the product on the field and actually believe there's a chance of wining a championship. I'm not saying go full fair weather Fandom, but 20 plus years of shit product... or in Longhorns case a decade... it's just not good entertainment investment at some point. I don't pay to go see a movie that I don't think I'll like or bands I know I don't love in the hopes that my opinion will change. I can't remember the last time since the 90s I thought a championship was a realistic probability with the Cowboys.
  16. As my sentiments on this hire, Jerry and the Cowboys in general just echo everyone else here I'll just say this... If Arch is drafted by the Cowboys, in 1 or 2 years (Arch is here for 2, imo) I truly hope Arch pulls an Elway and says fuck you Jerry. Rather than baseball just uses existing sponsorships and bank account info and says, "Naw, I'll just go into broadcasting and I don't need your fucking money or bullshit." Seriously, as someone who grew up as a Cowboys fan, I'd rather have a star 1st round draft pick Longhorn QB just fucking quit football, if they can, than play for Jerry. It's become that fucking bad.
  17. I've yet to express a position on the topic as I like to see the full body of evidence prior to formulating an opinion. There is still more discovery in the Lively case but thus far it doesn't look good for her. The jury is out on Heard. She was not the victim rather the manipulative predator. Women like Heard actually HURT the ongoing issues Women face in all facets of equality and abuse. They provide evidence to support negative aspects of vicitim blaming in legitimate cases of abuse or workplace harassment. It's counter intuitive and illogical that despite evidence people claiming to be womens rights advocates support these sorts of people. They should be enraged by them, not supportive of them. It's clear certain, unfortunately large, segments of our population have zero objectivity when looking at various situations. I blame the internet in large part and just lazy critical thinking skills. Shitty people exist in all races, sexes and religions. Be against shitty people, not always just pro some cause.
  18. Take a breath, put one foot in front of the other and don't be in such a rush. Why the fuck did it take you so long to ban GRUhorn?
  19. Please don't misunderstand me. I'd absolutely, positively spend as much time as human possible with those examples. But not 1 of them would likely meet my family or go to a business networking event with me. (Lots of extremely conservative folks in my business world)
  20. I won't use the word trashier, and I'd make some pretty specific distinctions. My opinion is based on a mixed former artistic and then corporate background with my own particular pecadillos. I think arms to elbos are largely perceived as far more acceptable particularly if it's smaller images. Sleeves particular if it goes onto hands is far less so today outside the artistic/service world. Middle body outside the tramp stamp, breast/cleavage or ass is pretty much fine as really you can't ever see it outside rather revealing clothing. Neck, small ones on the drape and side, questionable on corporate environment and roll. (Tech support, inside phone customer service, etc they're rather common. Same with medical/service industry.) Full neck and ANY face, largely only non-deviant in the arts world. Corporate, Maybe a progressive company in a more liberal state. For me, FULL sleeves, hands, heavy neck, any face is not my wheel house. I'd absolutely sleep with a 10 that was inked that much, but not sure I would date them long term. I don't find tons of body work attractive. I personally find the female form amazingly beautiful and too much ink messes with the lines of that beauty, imo. Never begrudge any woman for doing whatever. I am sad to see some that went full body.. but Im an old crumudgeon and they should get off my lawn. Sorry for the thread derail, I just think it's an extremely interesting social discussion on normative vs deviant behaviors, how those change over time in a given culture and the deviations found in perception/acceptance by various subcultures within a society. Edit- Because examples are important and I should have added shitty tattoos make it way, way worse.
  21. There are a lot, frankly too many of these band name posts. Dulls the brand a lot. Goblin Crank is an exception to that rule. Surly masters of art, I beg of you, create a masterpiece with the following for our future Rock N Roll AI overlords!
  22. I'm a non-incel willing to befriend any lonely sad billionaire females to help re-socialize them to non-idiodic behavior and help them learn self confidence by helping me help them through charitable donations to my cause. "BE's Psychological Counseling Foundation for Billionaire Females: Empty Your Bank, Grow Your Self Worth" We're here to help!
  23. So your neighbor is a female billionaire who makes up fairy tales on social media to get incels to like her and be her friend? Want to introduce me?
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