I'm going to follow up with a curious and lesser know aspect of the gun culture. I'm a competitive shooter, IDPA and 3 gun type stuff as well as a person who's gone to multiple 3 days tactical training sessions.
The shooting/gun advocate cross section in both those worlds (which are pretty similar) is an amazing cross section. The female uptick in the past 15 years has been HUGE. Further, I'll see current LEOs (which used to be the rarest oddly) to tech guys in 911s, females from all walks of life, pretty much ever race profile, to florist, EMTs, doctors (a surprising number), dentist and your big truck guys and gals.
Most aren't big drinkers many don't at all, you have to be financially at least okay due to cost of gear, hotels and classes. All of them are extremely safety first oriented and most don't care about the skin color or sex of the person next to them.
As someone who also rides it reminds me of that "fraternity". Granted, there are some divisions in both of the Harley riders vs rice burner nuance, but that's rare. Mostly it's just a like minded group that advocates for gun rights, gun safety and good gun skills.
What's odd to me is I don't see many here or anywhere talk about the second amendment foundation which is and has been much more in line with my 2nd amendment pursuits/wants/concerns that the NRA has been for decades.