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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntEyes

  1. Whoa there amigo, Dartmouth is playing Princeton right now. This is an important game... and... actually... a pretty good one.
  2. Well, as a regarded middle aged, middle class guy, unlike most of Surly, I have to settle for 7s and I'm okay with that reality.
  3. I know, her pointy knees are hideous right?
  4. Well, he is now also shit bagging on ND's ranking, aggies's, I guess, second best loss now??
  5. I completely missed this thread and don't live in Austin... but I I hadn't and did, I think I might have been forced to show up in an OUsux shirt and Maga hat just to see their reaction. Pretty sure they wouldn't have allowed me in the car.
  6. With a Texas Ex no less.. I recall really liking her performance in Ruby in Paradise. Back when she was somewhat normal and clearly oiled up for action scenes.
  7. Well, there is zero chance that the game ends up with an unexpected outcome.
  8. My LLC is based on Individual, Group, and Team Coaching in Specialty Area
  9. Certificates: Regulatory Science in Food Systems UG Cultural Competency UG Community Development GR Diversity UG Subsea Engineering GR Engineering Therapeutics Manufacturing GR Latino Mental Health GR Individual, Group, and Team Coaching in Specialty Area GR Popular Culture GR Performing Social Activism UG
  10. Oh full on pure monetization of High Ed is a core issue for sure. Hence why I think some measures should be in place to make sure 18 year olds aren't being swindled. While I agree with you that some faculty engagement is wanted, I think it important to note some of those faculty are straight up in on the grift. Tenured Proffesor JibbaJabba Jones of Far Eastern QFLBGT+/- Music Theory of Engineering dance and psychology is gonna support and defend Tenured Professors BadaBing Smith's Study of Crossfit Economic Theory, every time.
  11. I agree, but on the other side there are a lot of degrees that are arguably a swindle of young peoples future money. Some degrees just shouldn't exist as they have zero post grad value in reality.
  12. It's far more informative that most people would ever guess. Also the people in it are funny and his wife is a smoke show.
  13. More info on cuts Well, first it was aggie board of regents that made the choice. It was 38 programs, didn't find a list. Faculty had no input allegedly. To me this appears to be aggie state reps using their power to "unwoke" aggie academics. This is ebbing quickly into CR so I'll just note that I don't see Texas board of regents following the same path as aggie board of regents. Then again, I know shit and I'm apt to go full regard.. so..
  14. Actually... maybe a KSU game? ISU..
  15. I don't know enough about the upcoming reviews to comment.. but I can't see any value in the debt accumulation for a LGBTQ+ studies major anywhere but... particularly in College Station..
  16. I honestly can't remember if Heard was at Texas then or not... but Swoopes was a nice person but I never understood starting him over Heard.
  17. Basically reproduce the season he played at Ohio State. I think that guarantees us a win in the Big XII title game.
  18. That's truly an extremely high bar of coaching stupidity. It's really next level.. it's beyond not knowing your starting QBs name. Which is very bad...
  19. Truth There is a chain called GOAT in Nashville/TN area that has Baked Potato Tots that has the only thing I've ever had that rivals Snuffers.
  20. I guess my stupid question is why not tie it into a drivers license? Expand that, which is admittedly a state level, but the Fed required new aspects for travel. Is that an option that could work? Would random checks simply asking for a DL by Federal authorities align? Just spitballing ideas, but it seems that might be an easy add on. They're required for firearm purchase and the Federal check already.
  21. What are your suggestions, beyond ending relationships with friends and family, about how to approach and address the situation. What specific issue would you like to first suggest resolution to a path forward for changing mindset? What's your plan? What do you think will work? If it's just give up, and blow off strangers, family and friends who think differently than you, how is that going to help?
  22. What's a better way? I'm admitting i don't have a suggestion but I'd like to be educated or at least hear your suggestions and why they might work.
  23. This. Truly this. I get it. A lot here hate the state of our reality. There are threads upon threads to vent and yell at clouds. If someone isn't providing a suggestion on how to address or create change given the current reality... They aren't contributing, they're venting. I'm hoping for discussion. I've already made some suggestions. Hasn't been much discussion on how to improve or alternatives to my suggestions. I'm listening too. Tell me why my suggestions won't work, but offer alternatives. Tell me ways to improve my plans. Think about ways to convince others not of your mindset nor mine to alter the path they're on.
  24. That's venting not discussing options in our actual reality. It's not productive.
  25. So, to have a discussion around solutions we have to agree to accept the conditions in which we find ourselves. Whether or not you think reproductive rights should be "managed" at the State or Federal level is not relevant to the topic of solutions. To discussion solutions we have to accept the current reality which can't be changed. To simply dismiss the rest of my points/suggestion/idea and instead debate about where that protection should rest doesn't solve for the here and now. Right now it IS a state level discussion. So, let's discuss it at that level. Let us not discuss the issues with it being managed at that level or the negative impact. I submitted a suggestion, an idea of how to potentially alter the public mindset, at a state level, regarding the importance of reproductive rights. Rather than offer alternatives or improvement to my idea you essentially said, "It bad that it's a the state level". Fine, it's bad. What's your suggestion for a fix if you don't like mine?
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