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  1. February - Austin Marathon (pacer) February - Disney Princess Half Marathon (Orlando) April - Cap 10K (Austin) September - USATF Masters Half Marathon Championships (did this last year and loved it), TBD location December - The Marathon Project (Tuscon) I'll sprinkle in a couple 5Ks and maybe another 10K in there too. Back to the majors in '26 for Boston and Berlin.
  2. I'd rather have Priest Holmes from that '96 conference champ game.
  3. Haven't checked in here in awhile. Lots of inspiring triathlon content as of late. Way to get after it everyone! Did the Indianapolis marathon last weekend, and I highly recommend it. The course is comparable to Houston. Finally got a PR again with a 2:45. I had been sitting on my old PR for almost 3 years.
  4. But on the upside, eggs will be fifty cents cheaper.
  5. The largest political constituency in Arizona is Independents. They just surpassed registered republicans last year. My brother is one of them, and he loathes trump. There are a lot of sensible mavericks in Arizona which is why McCain was so beloved.
  6. Or just severely restrict exclusionary zoning or just outright ban it. We've largely manufactured the housing crisis by artificially dampening the supply through outdated land use policies that are exploited primarily by homeowners who don't want homes built near them.
  7. There are millions of people who can capably make a mortgage payment but can't come up with $25K for the down payment because things like exorbitant rents, child care, and student loan debt eat into any opportunity to save. And they can't hit up their parents or grandparents for the money either because they don't have generational wealth. Do these people just need to save until they're 50 to buy a house?
  8. Exclusionary zoning is a much bigger culprit for our housing crisis than institutional funds snatching up single-family inventory.
  9. As Matthew Desmond pointed out in his most recent book "Poverty, by America," on an average per household basis, the mortgage interest deduction is a much larger handout than a housing voucher. But we collectively tend to consider the former a tax break and the latter a handout based purely on the respective demographics they benefit.
  10. Yeah not even close. 10 top speed is 6:00 flat pace. My home treadmill tops out at 12 (5:00 flat). You need the high end 14-15 max speed treadmills to even replicate their pace.
  11. Seconded. Kerr vs. Jakob will be epic, and an American might crack the podium between Hocker and Nuguse. I'm leaning Hocker based on the semis heats. And then the women's 200m is also shaping up to be spectacular. It's wild that Gabby and Julien both train in Austin but under different coaches. We've got some exceptional talent around these parts.
  12. These chucklefucks ever take accountability for anything?
  13. It's the Latin word for "with" as in "summa cum laude" which means "with highest praise/honors." It's like when people use "sans" instead of "without."
  14. They let Virginia back in the tournament? 🙃
  15. Are you going to make us guess the 10th digit?
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