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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. Nobody is scared of dying.
  2. If she didn’t have all of those ridiculous tattoos, she’d be spectacular.
  3. Not surprised but it sucks.
  4. This is unbelievable. But I’ve been watching so I know it’s true.
  5. Q is a complex guy.
  6. I don’t care if you throw 100. If you throw it straight and right down the middle, major league hitters are going to crush it.
  7. Somebody REALLY needs to shut them down.
  8. Maybe we’ll have another 8 run inning. Wait……..
  9. I’m laughing. What else can you do?
  10. The negligence of having a live round anywhere near a movie set still blows my mind.
  11. Or you know about timers and switches.
  12. The diesel acts as a surfactant. I just really wanted to say "surfactant". Stem Spray Method | Texas Natural Resources Server (tamu.edu)
  13. Not an expert here, but you have to spray it during a tight window in the spring/early summer when the leaves are nice and green. Takes two years to kill it. I don’t think you can spray after it’s been knocked down.
  14. This time I was checking back in to confirm the loss. I am gruntled.
  15. So every camera is working except CF.
  16. Why did Tiger have to hit a second provisional? They explained it but I can’t reading the ESPN app.
  17. When it’s in Oklahoma.
  18. Hit him in the head too. Excellent marksmanship. Reminds me of the guy in the church a few years back.
  19. Exactly. I only eat them a few times a year and I don’t care what they cost. I’m talking to you, little man at the bar at the Cajun Greek giving me all sorts of grief about the cost. I don’t care. Had crawfish.
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