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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. I’m strangely confident for being down 0-2 and hitting the road.
  2. We need to get back on the road.
  3. 2-0 fastball right down the middle and he didn’t move the bat.
  4. You don’t like “Deep in the Heart of Texas”?
  5. Running tempo when up late in the fourth. Where have I seen that lately?
  6. I notice stupid shit, but what is the deal with guys not wearing their mouthpieces this season? They just dangle off of their face masks. Every team does it and it’s mostly receivers. Seems like it might be distracting to catch an over the shoulder ball with a mouthpiece flopping around on your face.
  7. I converted $15 into $24. Reinvested $24 and won $200. I think I'll hang it up.
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