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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. At least it wasn’t a walk or homer!
  2. We’re going to blow this game.
  3. I’m no expert, but are y’all in the same state?
  4. Give me the OG over Reyna any day.
  5. Lat22


    I still can’t believe that guy wasn’t able to track down his lost arrows.
  6. We were especially hard on the little things. The helpless and the gentle creatures.
  7. He went straight from flirting with a mom to killing a mass murderer. Pretty impressive transition.
  8. Anybody slo-mo the injury? Was it as bad as Kyle Peterson thought?
  9. Maldonado is the only guy in the stadium who would be bunting there. Fucking Dusty.
  10. At this point just leave that fucker in there.
  11. I think the statcast machine in Omaha needs a little alignment hygiene.
  12. That ump was going to call a balk no matter what happened. His mind was already made up.
  13. Good for Stanek. Wish Dusty had an ounce of fire.
  14. First career balk for Stanek. That ump was looking for anything at all to call a balk on.
  15. I flip over from Omaha and this is how I’m rewarded?
  16. And now a mortal pitcher is going to give up a bomb.
  17. It’s going to be weird not watching the playoffs this year.
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