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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. Doran would have been on the bag.
  2. Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies.
  3. That’s two bat flips on walks.
  4. I thought Fraser was going to have to pull that guy in the first inning.
  5. Tobacco is prohibited by the NCAA Florida guy. Maybe it was Big League Chew.
  6. Have your toes thawed out yet? Wet Justin Ropers was not the thing to be wearing that morning.
  7. Half Serious from Zito's in San Antonio Turkey on White bread, extra spread from Nielsen's in Houston
  8. Not one single mention of those dastardly illegal fishermen this week.
  9. I'll save you some time. They all died from an overdose of pentobarbital. Coincidentally they all had broken ankles or legs.
  10. I would have voted for Carolyn. She and Yam Yam were both deserving. Heidi was carried along and was fortunate enough to win the final immunity. She was correct knowing that she had to make fire to have a chance. Still wasn’t enough.
  11. That had to be the most staged episode to date. Every single thing.
  12. What a miserable finish to that inning.
  13. Looked at three strikes. Jesus.
  14. Until 5 minutes ago, I thought “look at that look at that” was “boogeydad boogeydad”.
  15. We’ll put the band back together.
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