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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. LED lighting has fucked up all level of sports.
  2. Sandstorm coming up again. I can’t wait!
  3. It was the throat slash. That penalty is a big nothing burger. Take the touchdown away or enforce on XP to make it hurt.
  4. Georgia gets two starters back in the secondary for the second half.
  5. Advantage just seemed like an understatement to me. It completely changed the game.
  6. If they were kingfish, I wouldn’t have shed the tears.
  7. That was a helluva "advantage" that Sol found.
  8. That poor little Cessna saved his life.
  9. We’re men. Judging is our birthright.
  10. She is really hard to look at. Sol had to be giggling inside when she said doubled down on being 45.
  11. My phone works as a gps without internet, cellular or WiFi.
  12. Nobody on the Northwestern had an iPhone and the Navionics app? You wouldn’t even need the app.
  13. One of the few (if not the only) episodes where production made no bones about who was getting voted out. There was no subterfuge.
  14. Good point. At least it didn’t chop its own tail rotor off before hitting the tower.
  15. Terrible deal. She flew a perfectly good helicopter into a tower. End of investigation. If there’s any positive, I doubt they ever knew what happened. Light switch just flipped to off.
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