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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. Doing one today with a heavy influence by Meat Church. I was going to do the 500 degree/two hour method but my BIL has fancy Miele ovens that have cooling fans. Going conventional instead.
  2. I’ve looked at the google earth images of where they film all of this. There’s a good sized village very very close to where all of this goes down.
  3. Lat22


    It’s humor. He’s said multiple time that he doesn’t drink any more. Just Ultra. Or maybe I’m being trolled. 😆
  4. Lat22


    The reason they didn’t want Bud Light has nothing to do with calories or alcohol content. To me the show is starting to lose its momentum. Yay, hot chicks, but that’s about it.
  5. Saw this guy at Scholtzs and was wondering what an FSU guy was doing there. I also make a brief appearance.
  6. Next it will be embassies, then an attack on our soil.
  7. They will be now.
  8. And it sucks extra hard that it’s Atlanta.
  9. Cmon Gata. I need you to score one more point.
  10. I don’t like Andre Ware as a TV announcer. I don’t like him as the Texans radio color guy. And I damn sure didn’t like him when he played at UH.
  11. I’m guessing Monty got another call from Tommy.
  12. At least y’all’s dorms are still there. RIP Woo.
  13. The Surly tailgate is cancelled.
  14. I have a feeling that this game is going to resemble those shitty Thanksgiving games against Tech or TCU. I know its a playoff game against a big time helmet team but it’s just weird to be playing a home game the weekend before Christmas.
  15. He’s much more believable as a petroleum engineer in Midland vs a Tier 1 operator.
  16. Lat22


    Now the indians are dressing up like cowboys, and the cowboys are putting leather and turquoise on.
  17. Bryce Young is as big a bust as they come.
  18. I don’t think Americans know how drones are being used in Ukraine. The media should run some videos from websites like Funker530. They modify hobby drones to drop grenades on troops. They also have FPV drones that will chase you around and detonate when they impact you. It’s brutal and terrifying. I’m sure they’ll be part of the big homeland attack whenever it happens.
  19. Planes work better with fuel.
  20. Lat22


    Yeah, he wasn't going anywhere.
  21. Nobody "needs" 4X4 until you need it. And you'll wish you had it when you go to sell it.
  22. Man, I had forgotten how good Arch looked. Just the ability to move. It's criminal that we're not using him more in this big important games. He's too athletic to waste on the bench.
  23. Erika's got them and knows how to use them.
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