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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. Lat22

    Uniform Pron

    This is a perfect picture of everything that needs to go.
  2. It’ll be over by the time Stanek is ready.
  3. Good stuff. Love the jetties. I'll be down tomorrow.
  4. Lot of barrels that first inning.
  5. Lat22

    Uniform Pron

    Nah. Referring to a QB commit we picked up today. Narrator: he's pretty good.
  6. And Spider Tack was banned.
  7. Lat22

    Uniform Pron

    I might be wrong, but I thought he was referring to a new conference patch being on the jerseys. We’re not changing our uniforms.
  8. Hard to be mad about a season that ends in Omaha, but that sucked shit through a straw.
  9. This team showed no fire or emotion in either game. Not sure how that happens in Omaha.
  10. This game is decidedly better than the one I just switched over from. Other than the announcers.
  11. Why is a girl calling this game?
  12. After first detail. It’s already dirty again though.
  13. I’m going to say it for the third time. Get your pitches down.
  14. You gotta score at least one to win anyway. Nothing is fucked. But he needs to get his pitches down in the zone.
  15. The OG on vacation. From what? No idea.
  16. Accident Cessna T206H Stationair TC N52854, 16 Jun 2022 (aviation-safety.net)
  17. It's close to Tiki and takes 2 or 3 minutes for the inspection.
  18. There may be some hometown bias here, but Side Door Cafe in Falfurrias has a great one. They actually have a chicken fried veal cutlet. Is it really veal? No idea but it's damn good. And boy do I miss the saddleblanket at Brush Country Inn in Riviera.
  19. The great CFS places in South Texas always had yellow gravy. Thought it was regional. Sounds like it isn't.
  20. There was only one purpose of this picture. It has nothing to do with the doting couple. It's the fucking aggy ring. That's the only reason they took this pic. The obsession with that stupid ring.
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