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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. We’re getting our shit pushed in by a shitty team.
  2. Wear that one Pressley. Now what the fuck am I going to do? Approaching four hours. Porn, I guess.
  3. How does your closer throw a four pitch walk?
  4. I thought they’d done away with it? Guess I wasn’t paying attention.
  5. I’ve watched this entire game sitting dead stopped on I 45 in Huntsville. Eighteen wheeler flipped over right in front of me over 3 hours ago. CSB.
  6. Fuck MLB and Apple TV for causing me to miss Peña’s first hit and first homer.
  7. Grateful for at least one more week of Tori in a bikini. That’s all this show has become to me.
  8. Nitpicking but Daly should have scored.
  9. Apparently the outside pitch is only in play on right handed batters.
  10. That outside “strike” is unhittable.
  11. You’d need a 38 inch bat to reach those outside strikes.
  12. Why am I seeing a program about basketball?
  13. Partying our asses off all weekend at the Bishops Lodge bunkhouse.
  14. Lotta thirsty fuckers there.
  15. We’ve got a place 6 miles east of Falfurrias that the fire got to within 4 miles. Scary as shit and not out of the woods yet, but they seem to have that part under control. Our place south of town just north of the checkpoint in fine. For now.
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