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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. You stole my line. 😂
  2. What other firearms do you use? (assuming you aren’t a felon. 😆)
  3. I nailed it today. I probably should pull a Costanza and leave on a high note Wordle 228 2/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  4. You mean to tell me that the Rooney Rule doesn’t work? I’m shocked.
  5. I’ve watched every single “reality” show filmed in Alaska and all I can say is :
  6. Who,is this hyphenated last name guy making every play for Tech?
  7. I didn’t know Charissa Thompson was such a huge Rams fan.
  8. Those Mini 14s the A Team used never killed a thing.
  9. This whole shit show sure makes Houston sports radio more entertaining.
  10. A bunch of my friends that went to Memorial knew Cam (the dad) well. One says that they put his son on Zoloft (or something similar) last week and he went batshit crazy.
  11. I agree with your premise, but white wings aren’t made of clay.
  12. He’s still a Special Game Warden, whatever that is.
  13. Is Austin letting everybody out on low bonds like Houston? If so, there’s your answer.
  14. Enjoying the show, but Elsa’s accent is a beating.
  15. I wouldn’t attend an NFL game, but those four games were great. Better than anything I’ve seen on a Saturday in a long time. (I know two games were on Saturday).
  16. Lat22

    AFC: Bills v Chiefs

    Yep. Came here to post this.
  17. Lat22

    AFC: Bills v Chiefs

    Mahomes’ cadence is the most irritating in all of football. Why is it always so amplified?
  18. Correct. Harmless to everything but fish.
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