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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. I loved watching all of the big lifelong Texan fan news anchors butcher Fairbairn’s name this morning. The dude on Fox26 couldn’t even remember who they beat despite “being at the game”. At least I don’t have to watch them pretend to be Astros fans for another month.
  2. He’s got a problem with #13 for sure.
  3. Does Mizzou even want to play football today?
  4. What does the red circle around a defensive player mean?
  5. Yep. I won’t have to wear my Astros hat to Dallas next weekend.
  6. Now the audio and the video,aren’t synced up for me. I’m hearing the pitch before seeing it.
  7. Wouldn’t be the first time.
  8. The next season of Moonshiners is going to be interesting. It went right through their area of operations. This post is for the three people that actually watch Moonshiners.
  9. I hate the ads on the batting helmet.
  10. Our land thieving neighbors also disrespect the anthem by saying “home of the SOONERS”.
  11. The Jags don’t want to win this game.
  12. Me neither. My toes are still frozen.
  13. Ruling on the field carries the day.
  14. Ware would give him the Heisman tonight.
  15. Beautiful pass from the best qb evar.
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