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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Biff Tannen

  1. Why should I leave? You’re the one who sucks.
  2. Assuming they talk about how slavery was actually a good thing for black people?
  3. That is beyond fucked up. Straight up bribing school districts to violate the separation of church and state.
  4. All of these things were so obvious. Even just a quick google search would’ve done it. My only guess is that these people must literally only get information from social media.
  5. I hope he never coaches anywhere ever again. Assistant, head, whatever. Really hate that man.
  6. The delusion by his cult (and even some “moderate” Rs) that this conman gives a flying fuck about them or this country is one of the wildest parts of the entire simulation. No rational human could look at what he has done and said and come to that conclusion.
  7. Go watch Buy Now on Netflix.
  8. I actually didn’t like the first episode all that much. I wanted more history, less examination of his art. Didn’t really feel like normal Burns fare. His daughter I think had main control over it, so perhaps that’s why. Hoping for better out of episode two.
  9. Are there really 15,000 transgender people in the military? Seems high.
  10. Yes, Biden is the one to worry about. What a fucking douchebro.
  11. Yes, the blue hairs would love it.
  12. I mean whatever. Let’s hasten the demise. Just watched Buy Now on Netflix. We are all fucked anyway.
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