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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Biff Tannen

  1. You could have posted this at any time from 2016 on and no one would know when you were referring to. ETA: God dammit, this is what just kills me. These people have literally been a clown car of incompetency and dipshittery from day 1, which was almost 8 god damn years ago, and yet we are still sitting here worrying about them regaining power. 70+ million of our fellow VOTERS (let's not even talk about overall citizens) are so god damn fucking stupid that we are still concerned that we might have to deal with this band of grifting, lying, chucklefucks again. I mean WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
  2. Everything about this is pathetic and gross. My god.
  3. They should call it Round-tine.
  4. This. When they reduce or get rid of early voting (and they will), that is when I will fight back. Go vote early you dumbshits.
  5. Honestly, that's how every President should treat the media when they say stupid shit. Why are they supposed to treat them with kid gloves? That's how we got where we are in the first place. Dotard treated the media like shit for asking legit, serious questions and he never answered anything, he just called them stupid. Somehow that was ok.
  6. Says a lot about MN Rs. Giving Georgia a run for their money with Herschel.
  7. ok, now I have a new favorite. This guy is AWESOME.
  8. This is actually a really really good message that should be seen by a lot more "moderates" and "independents". I 100% agree with him, even though I would say I have very few TRADITIONAL "conservative" values. I would love to get back to a point where the GOP (or whatever it becomes) would actually come to the table with legitimate policy ideas and be willing to work with Democrats to govern instead of being completely worthless obstructionists, psychotic extremists, and straight up grifters.
  9. Arizona makes more sense in these polls. That said, I don't trust shit and we have to play like we are behind. Because we very well may be. Because people fucking suck.
  10. Oh you’re still here? Don’t you have some conspiracy theories and dumb right wing memes to post? No smoke alarms in the country?
  11. Not fucking trivial. Why do smoke alarm batteries only go out at 4am? And of course I can’t find any 9 volts in the whole house so now I just have to put the pillow over my head while it chirps the rest of the night.
  12. When did he do this? I recall he’s been against the dotard for quite a while now, no?
  13. This is true. BUT I think it’s the same ptsd we all have during winter now. Just knowing how bad shit can get, we automatically go into defense mode.
  14. Not sure how or why yall associate with these people.
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