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Certifiably Surly
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  1. @gernblansten @TXpride Shut this fuck up and take your bitch fest to dm. Nobody fucking cares. tOSU is going to regress to the norm. We will feel disrespected and if I had to pick a team to ride with, it would be the one that is told they suck by everyone (including their own fans) that is filled with top end NFL talent. I love this match up.
  2. You can call the base colored, not the player.
  3. Next blueblood post gets a fucking neg. Fuck off losers.
  4. Having him on ignore is not enough. I am going to have to add the fools that quote his dumbass to the ignore list just to avoid reading his drivel.
  5. I refuse to buy into the bullshit about how you looked yesterday. We can compete with anyone. This is as much about us playing our game as anyone. We looked hung over. I do not expect that going forward. The team loves each other and knows what is ahead. Win or lose, I am proud these boys put a stamp on the SEC this year. Here is to many more years of running this shit.
  6. https://www.tiktok.com/@collegegameday/video/7370063120921808171?lang=en https://247sports.com/article/nick-saban-questions-media-for-texas-love-theyre-not-going-to-run-the-sec-233849742/
  7. HOOKEM4


    Manny really seems like he is lost out there. Feels like he didn't take any steps forward this season.
  8. I hate and fucking love this team. I hate and fucking love Quinn. I hate scataboo. Enjoy that bad juju gloatong closeup cocksucker. Don't flex when shit is that tight. Onward.
  9. Time of possession: ASU: 51:20 Texas: 8:40 Final score: Texas by a million.
  10. Local caller on the news claimed they didn't have the normal hardened barricades up and they just had the plastic traffic barricades. This just makes me sick. What a shit way to start 25. Fuck.
  11. Somewhere that is far from the Chattahoochee River. Right. RIGHT...
  12. They were a kicker and and a stupid throw from making this a nail biter.
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