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Certifiably Surly
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  1. My nephew had a huge positive reaction to his official this past weekend. Talked with his dad and it sounds like it would take a huge number to keep him from going to Texas and working under Max for 2 years. He is ranked as 2nd round pick right now but really excels at school so I might get my dream to take my sons to watch their cousin pitch for the good guys. Praying some mlb team doesn't get froggy and offer something stupid. I honestly think he would be better off learning under this coaching staff over getting possibly lost in the minors.
  2. My favorite is the people that hand out trump "get a job, ain't nothing free liberal" tickets to 6 year olds. Last election it happened and I just couldn't believe how petty these people are. They single handedly made my kids anti trump...over candy...at 6 years old. Good job?
  3. You want a play? I can get you a play, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a play by 3 o'clock this afternoon...
  4. Turnip looks like me after a case of Miller lite. Only difference is I always turn and claim I am "fine." Narrator, we are not fine.
  5. HOOKEM4

    Disc Golf

    Hahahaha holy shit. Gotta get the nose down on those shorties.
  6. Honestly, this has to be a super power. I can't turn it off. Hell, shit that happened 20+ years ago keeps me up at night. Some inane conversation that nobody remembers I am cringing over as I try to sleep. Not fucking fair.
  7. Look, I hate to break it to you, Duke has a drinking problem. There are many resources available but the first step is admitting the problem.
  8. I let my employees take off to go early vote. It should be supported. Idgaf who they vote for and would never talk about that with them. I just want all the younger folks to participate and don't want to create roadblocks for them. Super proud that almost all of them took advantage. My only stipulation was they show back up with their sticker.
  9. My house is older than your house. I will end your reign. My bannermen far out class yourn!
  10. I have a cat that is yelling at me to feed him for the 17th time today if you want me to drop him off. He kills every thing that moves outside and leaves it at my back door. You can keep him.
  11. What do YOU give the sloots when they leave? I am all class and give them a cool "good job" sticker when they leave. It is tasteful and colorful. Pretty sure it is appreciated. Now I need a new distributer.
  12. Whaaaaat? Dammit, I get my stickers from them. Pretty sure I am in less than 20 bucks for close to 1k stickers. They have some good deals. Guess I need a new sticker plug.
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