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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. But cannot throw a strike to save is fireballin ass
  2. I am not allowed to go to another game. I am bad luck. Took my youngest on a whim right before the game. Got tickets for a fire sale behind home plate. He had a blast and chirped at blue all night. But we are not good luck. Worth it but man that stung. Sitting next to the utsa guys clocking pitches and filming all night. Dammit, we have to play cleaner.
  3. I have long believed there is a conspiracy surrounding burnt orange and whatever bullshit orange tennessee wears. Big Orange Dye has slowly been moving the colors closer and closer so eventually they are the same and they will save money by consolidating the colors into one dye. You will never convince me otherwise.
  4. We went 2-0 Saturday. Showed up Sunday and had 1 hit in a 10-0 loss. My kid hit a triple and was (seemingly) plunked on purpose his next time up. He pitched well and gave us a chance until he hit pitch count for the weekend. Crazy how up and down kids can be. We will win 20-2 then look like we never have swung a bat against a kid looping in pitches at 40mph. Wild stuff. We are very level headed coaches. Firm but very much on the supportive end of the spectrum. Never once will we yell at the kids. The head coach is an old school baseball pitcher and an amazing coach. It is fun when he starts to get after the boys some and then checks himself and falls back to, yeah they are only 10. He is a great dude. This weekend we go coach the 13u kids. They are just as up and down as the 10u kids.
  5. My wife won by flipping a coin on every game one year. Uconn and Kemba Walker. Only person to pick them. Lulz.
  6. It is updated now. Starting now
  7. Man, that was scary. Good win. Hook'em! 🤘
  8. A shitload of our military has fought alongside Canadians for all our excursions and are likely deployed with them now. If our military caves so easily to a psychopath, well yeah. Insane, but very likely.
  9. My MIL called my wife and was bitching about how bad Biden left the economy. Godspeed old lady. Wait till you see what trump does to you! They live off SS, Medicare and me. Mostly me fixing their hovel. They have a new roof, septic, kitchen, and ac so they should be good until they have to go back to work at Walmart at 80. I am not buying them groceries because they need to pull thier boot straps up and get to work like their God wanted and they voted for. Leapards will feast. Idgaf.
  10. Maybe for a couple of months until the heard is sold off and butchered. There is no way they can sustain with lower cattle prices. Probably will just get more subsidies. The gop are just busy shuffling deck chairs at this point.
  11. Once the list is posted it will be interesting to see how long each person lasts. I am a pacifist and don't believe in violence or capital punishment, typical anti gun limp wristed libtard, but it will be interesting when all the chickens come home to roost. The reaction will be comical, especially if it is happening when we are in a hot war with Canada.
  12. Well he is lazy. He should strive to be a billionaire! Why did he stop at providing an essential service? Lazy asshole!
  13. When you have a parent that refuses to follow team rules, how many strikes? I really don't agree with the 3 strikes rule AND he is an aggy. He flipped out at practice on his kid and when I intervened and told him to relax and let us work with the boys, he started after me. I didn't engage and just went back to coaching. I told him to call me today so I could make it clear with the expectations. He hasnt called. I want to give him 1 chance. Then he is banned from attending some functions. If it keeps up, kid is out as well. I have zero patience for shitty parents. This is 13u mind you and the kid isn't particularly good. How would you handle shit parents? Edit: he is also the loud bitchy parent always goad9ng umps and coaching the kids from the stands during the games as well. His advice is always wrong as well.
  14. The newly pro tariffs lemmings are amazing. Whatever they say, I Google it and it always leads back to oan or fox news articles. Not a single economist has been able to explain how it makes economic sense. This is purely a dictator trying to get his footing. Nobody wins. We are truly in the dumbest timeline.
  15. What is, not a chance?
  16. Again, you are not a serious person. You have no idea what anyone believes because you are not serious. You just "got it." Kindly and respectfully, fuck off.
  17. You are not a serious person. Enjoy a new handle.
  18. Narrator: he doesn't "got" it.
  19. Got it.
  20. @Anastasis you are a bitch. Keep posting on the dying platform. Waaaahhh waaaahhh waaaah. What a bitch. Fuck off nazi.
  21. I will say this about ana, the lady doth protest too much. Someone is fucking his wife while he watches from the corner. I am certain of it. He screams insecurity.
  22. I fully support ruzzia raping and murdering civilians now that ana has spoken. The victims are the ones that are al qaeda! Got it! What an air stealing waste of space. I can't say what I want to because imma is a facist. I will just say, bless his heart.
  23. China is just sitting back (stealing tech) and laughing. We are in for fun times. My body is ready.
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