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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. What would happen if we took the 50+ billion in profits skimmed off the top by insurance companies (not to mention all the money payed out to employees in bonuses for refusing coverage effectively) and put that money back into the system? That's why I don't buy this argument. Take out as many for profit middle men in every industry that is essential to health and basic needs.
  2. Well, you have 32% of claims filed that were denied. Start going down the list! If only you denied 10%, it would be a much shorter list and maybe he would still be alive.
  3. Wow. Ex special forces...what an insult. Lulz.
  4. This is the best response so far. Holy shit.
  5. Wait, so they intercepted all the dick pics I have sent to Salma Hayek. That explains why she has never responded. Fucking assholes.
  6. Lulz. As someone who has actually needed care in 2 of those countries, this is 1/2 right. I also remember being in the Bahamas and my son having an ear infection 3 days before flying home. We went to a doctor, paid 30 bucks for the visit and 15 bucks for the antibiotics. Zero insurance. We live in a shithole country. The faster you pull your head out of your ass and realize it, the better you will be when you get fucked over by our "Healthcare" system.
  7. I approve of this great idea.
  8. I had a bs procedure years ago at an in network hospital with in network DR only to find out I owed a few grand to an uncovered anaesthesiologist group. For 30 min of work. Fun times.
  9. This was only a pro in the sense that he succeeded. If this was a legit hit, there would be nothing to trace back. He would have been suicided or killed in a way with zero video evidence. This was someone that knows how to use their weapon and wanted this dude dead. Maybe motivated by money or hate but this wasn't someone who paints houses for a living. Way too sloppy.
  10. This is really annoying. I sat 3 times while this fucker had a doe penned up breeding her. I know he did because a mature doe that comes in with her twins everytime the feeder fires off stopped coming last weekend. The twins came in but no doe. Now she is back and so is he. We have a full weekend and work is insane right now. I am going to try and sneak out for 2 sits Friday night/ Saturday morning and get back for a birthday party Saturday at noon. I am 100% not missing the Texas game one way or another. This is a great buck for our little low fence place. Everything this mature gets shot by the neighbors. I pray he doesn't get shot or snag another doe and dissappear for 2-3 days while I am up there.
  11. Oh I am using the Simmons image for an avatar the rest of the season.
  12. Jesus not this shit again.
  13. Can we kill the clock without Quinn fucking up?
  14. Pull him. Send him to the locker room. What the fuck. Is he point shaving?
  15. Here we fucking go. Let them back in the game because we fucking suck on oline.
  16. Goddammit @BERT
  17. I want 45-0 Make it happen Sark. Fuck aggy
  18. Oh we all are, you aren't.
  19. Well that was faster than expected. Reed is already looking gimpy.
  20. That's a TD
  21. This assumes we make the throws. That is a bold move cotton.
  22. If we run the ball, we win. If we expect Quinn to win with behind the los screens, we lose. He has to get some sort of fire and start playing QB. Jesus. He has to be better.
  23. I just woke up from a nap. My body is ready. Fuck aggy
  24. This is like watching two ******* trying to fuck.
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