I am still coaching rec league. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! Got voted as the Allstars head coach. I love coaching so it is a chance to keep playing and coach some more kids. Setup my team with all the best pitchers and hitters I could. Pretty sure we are 10 deep pitching. Got 3 catchers as well. Never coached kid pitch Allstars, but I am sure pitching will be key based on my select ball experience.
I called in all favors and got a bunch of awesome sponsors. Got the boys custom boombas bags, helmets, batting gloves and a bunch of other goodies. Working to get fees to zero for the parents. I am enjoying one last run coaching before both my boys are in the select system.
Looking forward to sweating my ass off in June and hopefully coaching these boys to the top of the mountain. If anyone else has kids in centex Allstars, reach out and we can trash talk each other! Or laugh at me for sucking as a coach!