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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. My 12 year old did not help me with this one. Wat??? Need help.
  2. You sonofabitch, I am in. Let's go get rich.
  3. Well shit, she has my vote. Me and my fellow Satanists have been working very hard to keep all books in schools and keep women's rights intact. Let's fucking go! 🤘🤘🤘🤘
  4. What the fuck did I just hear? Opera singer brought in for the 7th inning stretch? That was brutal.
  5. Pump the fucking brakes dudes. 3 innings left. Quit being weak.
  6. Biden has to, in his official capacity, snuff out all that seek to threaten the republic. It is his constitutional duty. His hands are tied.
  7. The facist are mad, dare I say scared.
  8. I donated and if they want to come, they better come heavy or not at all.
  9. I am going to go shit my brains out from just looking at that. Holy shit.
  10. The anti Mack brown. Well done Biden.
  11. You better edit that fucking twitter post. Jesus dude.
  12. I got to work hoping everything is fucked and I could just watch TV all day. NOTHING IS FUCKED DUDE!!! Dammit.
  13. It is long as shit. https://youtu.be/ZgHR4ug866Q?si=AhAe1D2rnpbzh87z
  14. Is anyone keeping an eye on the numbers? *ducks*
  15. The fascists are sucking each other's dicks tonight evidently. Can yall take it to a bathroom stall somewhere?
  16. I have thoroughly enjoyed my 12 year old son beating the shit out of me for the last two days. This asshole knows all the tricks and I can't even consistently complete a pass. I need to watch YouTube videos all day evidently. I have learned he doesn't know protections and I can shift shit to just run the ball. Baxter isn't fast enough to do it though. Need to recruit a better back. Never thought this day would come. I almost lost to CSU with him playing them. Fuck. This can't be real life.
  17. If this was sponsored by Biden, Trump would be dead and there would be no way to know who did it. Stupid take. Bullets wouldn't be involved.
  18. The issue is and always has been the message is weak. The facts don't match reality. We have been encouraged my entire life to look down and not up. Now we are looking down and at a fucking color. Once teams were solidified, it was over. You cannot have a team in life. You have to look at things objectively and admit that you may have been wrong and adjust. We lost that somewhere in the 80s and it has been downhill since then.
  19. Did they not do this the...what...2 times they actually had control of the WH/Senate/House? Then the repubs screamed deficit (they created and dems reduced) only to have all positive momentum unraveled because people voted republican? Then we cut taxes for the very people who did not need it, ran up insane deficits, rinse repeat? It is tiresome.
  20. Well, he hasn't been drafted yet so... It didn't cost a crazy high number to make it worthwhile for him.
  21. Did you see what Gooodddd just did! Or migrants...maybe migrants did save my life! Deport them all.
  22. Where the fuck was the paw patrol?
  23. I mean, our "best" bats had a chance or 4 today to do literally anything and they hit softly to the infield or popped it up. Let's start with our own hitters doing their job.
  24. I take all the credit for Meyers HR. Saw him come out of the hotel while I was waiting on the valet. Dapped him up and told him he would rake today. Wish I ran into Yordan as well.
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